homo or bisexuals

  1. Y

    Homo/bisexuals, do you find the same women/men attractive as your straight

    friends of the opposite sex? My straight guy friends are like never into the girls I'm into. Sure the girls they find attractive are usually really pretty but they're not the type of girls I'd date. And the girls I like want to jump on haha are almost never girls they're attracted to. And it's...
  2. Y

    Homo/bisexuals, do you find the same women/men attractive as your straight friends

    of the opposite sex? My straight guy friends are like never into the girls I'm into. Sure the girls they find attractive are usually really pretty but they're not the type of girls I'd date. And the girls I like want to jump on haha are almost never girls they're attracted to. And it's not like...
  3. A

    Homo/Bisexuals in the Military?

    This is my first time posting on the military board and I'm sure this question has been ask but I was just wondering what are you’re views on Homo/Bisexuals joining the military and if you believe the ‘DADT’ policy should be revoked. Obviously I’ve gotten several opinions from the fellow...