
  1. L

    Hiya, how do I get my DVD/Recorder on the same chanel as my Sky+/HD on my TV.?

    The DVD/Recorder is on Ext 1 on the TV and Sky+/HD is on Ext 5. They both need - I think - to be on the same 'wavelength'. Due to them being on the different extension's I am unable to record, onto disk anything from Sky or my planner. I do not have an outside aerial nor a land line (just...
  2. C

    hiya folks my wife and i are interested in pagan/wicca/shamanic groups between

    hunstanton and gt yarmouth? as we have family in filby . it would be nice to meet up for the fests/sabbatts and also we were looking to go through with handfasting on the sunday of the solstice 2010 , but thats looking a little late now , thanks for your time i can be txt on 07768223935 .
  3. J

    hiya evry1 gotta joke 4 ya?

    A man escapes from prison where he has been for 15 years. He breaks into a house to look for money and guns and finds a young couple in bed. He orders the guy out of bed and ties him to a chair, while tying the girl to the bed he gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up and goes into...
  4. G


    hi am genie99 am interested in gaming movies home cinema systems basically all the gadgets and want.
  5. F

    hiya selling t mobile g1 (google phone) brand new in chelmsford £150 bargain?

    if interested write back
  6. C

    hiya i just want some strong and cute dog names male and female?

    i just want to know some male and female dog names i like cujo sky cameo stuff like that plz help me 10 points best answer