
  1. H

    is it good to do 3 days of lifting and HIIT on the 3 other days of the week?

    say hypothetically something like: mon, wed, fri lift. tue, thu, sat, high intensity interval training. that way your metabolism will be boosted like everyday of the week. and is it okay to do say 25 minute cardio on most of the non HIIT days? i know that long cardio isn't the greatest for fat...
  2. H

    is it good to do 3 days of lifting and HIIT on the 3 other days of the week?

    say hypothetically something like: mon, wed, fri lift. tue, thu, sat, high intensity interval training. that way your metabolism will be boosted like everyday of the week. and is it okay to do say 25 minute cardio on most of the non HIIT days? i know that long cardio isn't the greatest for fat...
  3. C

    High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Exercise DVD or Book?

    I am trying to start taking up HIIT into my workout, but the problem is I do not know much about different exercises to try. I have been looking online for books or DVDs on this but came up with nothing, I am limited for trying to find any place to sprint. So if anyone knows any good DVDs or...
  4. S

    P90x, bike riding, or HIIT which burns more calories?

    I'm a 20 year old guy who has been working out pretty consistently (3 times a week) but I do have a little bit of a belly but when I flex it I can see a "4-pack" Why is it that when I flex my stomach I can see some abs but when other people I know who have a smaller belly flex their stomachs'...
  5. W

    What's the best way to time myself during HIIT, if I'm sprinting on the track...

    ...at the gym? I don't think a watch would work, unless it was one of those sophisticated digital types and I could program it to beep every 45 seconds and every minute (that's one interval for my HIIT). Any suggestions?
  6. L

    Can I do HIIT by biking?

    Is it possible to do HIIT (high intensity interval training) on a bike. I do a lot of biking and I would like to integrate HIIT in to my schedule. But I'm confused, some websites say 6 sec high, 9 sec low. Others say 8/12 or 30/30 or 30/60. I don't get it, which one is better?
  7. L

    HIIT on an excersise bike?

    When doing the High intensity part, is it good to go really fast with a little resistance or go slow with alot of resistance?
  8. A

    Eating healthy plus HIIT 5 days a week?

    Hello. I have lost much weight and am pretty happy with my appearance. There is just one thing: MY STUBBORN STOMACH FAT! Okay, I know that one can not "spot reduce" But, I have tried a lot of things and this fat will not go away. I was reading and found out the HIIT ( High Intensity Interval...
  9. D

    Hiit Plan Help Please?

    ive decided to do some HIIT Training, i have been working out for about 6 months now and just doing jogging for about 10 min at the start and end of my workouts, now i am going to start HIIT Training, so can you give me a plan of what to do. right now im doing cardio and weights on monday...
  10. A

    Eating healthy plus HIIT 5 days a week?

    Hello. I have lost much weight and am pretty happy with my appearance. There is just one thing: MY STUBBORN STOMACH FAT! Okay, I know that one can not "spot reduce" But, I have tried a lot of things and this fat will not go away. I was reading and found out the HIIT ( High Intensity Interval...
  11. S

    HIIT on a stationary bike?

    Ok, so i have decided to start HIIT on a stationary bike... my question now is, what resistance should i use? And Can someone give me a link or a workout for HIIT training on a stationary bike? Thanks!
  12. L

    Jogging or exercise bike for HIIT?

    What is better, jogging or exercise bike for HIIT, i do it on the exercise bike, in the morning i go for a 30min walk then come back and go 20mins medium pase then do 1min high intensity then 1min low intensity for 10mins. should i increase the length of time i do the HIIT for?