
  1. T

    cell phone coverage help?10 points?

    None of the cell company have service in my town.if i get a phone & use the zip code from the town next too me will that work.How how does that work?
  2. M

    combat arms help(10 easy points)?

    i have 2 question about combat arms. 1. can some1 give me a link to a aim bot or charms(i want them so evrytime i see a hacker i cab turn it on and TRY to get him to stop) 2. if you cant do that can you give me a website or a way FREE points so i can buy the mod thing so if there is a hacker i...
  3. N

    DS router help?!?!?!?!?!!?!?10 point for best answer?

    I just wanna know if this router is competable with a ds lite thx i wanna cheap one so is the price good amd will it work with out any lag
  4. A

    M35rchMn in Startup Menu Help.....10 Points.....?

    Does anyone know what the above entry is? It keeps appearing in my startup menu despite me removing and slows up my computer considerably by leaving it hanging. So frusrating. I have tried searching on google to no avail. If I knew what it was and concluded it was not needed I would delete...
  5. J

    Are there any Tax benefits when we buy Honda civic hybrid?Please help....10

    Points Immediately? I bought a new Honda Civic couple months back in 2008. Am I eligible for any Tax Rebates or any such Program that can benefit me. I have no idea. Yes i did bought it before 1/1/09
  6. E

    internet connection,world of warcraft help.10 points.?

    I want to play wow i do because i have a linkeys n usb adaptor witch gives me connection.the problem the connection is not relieble its lags alot wene im playing the game. ( I can get cable or dsl or fios because there in my area.what can i get to give me better connetion and ply wow with no...
  7. T

    12 angry men movie help?10 points?

    I'm watching the 12 angry men movie for my AG class and i need some help to who watched it... what were the prejudices made by the jury throughout the film? the main dissenting (opposing) juror says "prejudice obscures the truth" tell how this statement is true using specific examples from...
  8. T

    call of duty 3 ps2 online help...10 points for best answe?

    when i am playing call of duty 3 ps2 online in every map people glitch and they are laying down or crouching and going really fast. when i lay down i go super slow. how do i preform this glitch. 10 POINTS FOR THE ANSWER THAT IS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!
  9. M

    Htc Touch Diamond Phone Please Help!!!10 Points!!?

    how do i recieve ringtones trough bluetooth and how do i set a ring tone as my ringtone on my phone??? PLEASE HELP 10 POINTS!!!!