
  1. J

    Can someone tell me how the homo Heidelbergensis and homo neanderthalensis dissapear?

    im doing an assignment and i cant really find a clear answer, can someone help me find it or give a link to a good website for the information?
  2. A

    Question about Homo heidelbergensis?

    So according to wikipedia They were more muscular taller (7 foot) and bigger brained then modern humans So why did they die out? They were essentially superior in every aspect.
  3. S

    When did Homo Neanderthalensis branch off of H. Heidelbergensis?

    How many thousand years ago did H. Neanderthalensis actually become a species. I've been getting mixed results. Some sites say 33,000 years ago, while others say it died out 35,000 years ago...
  4. S

    When did Homo Neanderthalensis branch off of H. Heidelbergensis?

    How many thousand years ago did H. Neanderthalensis actually become a species. I've been getting mixed results. Some sites say 33,000 years ago, while others say it died out 35,000 years ago...
  5. S

    When did Homo Neanderthalensis branch off of H. Heidelbergensis?

    How many thousand years ago did H. Neanderthalensis actually become a species. I've been getting mixed results. Some sites say 33,000 years ago, while others say it died out 35,000 years ago...
  6. S

    When did Homo Neanderthalensis branch off of H. Heidelbergensis?

    How many thousand years ago did H. Neanderthalensis actually become a species. I've been getting mixed results. Some sites say 33,000 years ago, while others say it died out 35,000 years ago...
  7. S

    When did Homo Neanderthalensis branch off of H. Heidelbergensis?

    How many thousand years ago did H. Neanderthalensis actually become a species. I've been getting mixed results. Some sites say 33,000 years ago, while others say it died out 35,000 years ago...
  8. M

    Homo heidelbergensis and homo sapien?

    In what ways are the homo heidelbergensis human? what makes them similar to modern humans? any help is greatly appreciated!!