
  1. G

    can someone get me a dc universe healer for ps3?

    ive been trying to get a lightning or sorcerer healer but its takes too long and i dont have the time can someone get me a psn account with a lvl 30 healer on it? my email is [email protected]
  2. G

    can someone get me a dc universe healer for ps3?

    ive been trying to get a lightning or sorcerer healer but its takes too long and i dont have the time can someone get me a psn account with a lvl 30 healer on it? my email is [email protected]
  3. G

    can someone get me a dc universe healer for ps3?

    ive been trying to get a lightning or sorcerer healer but its takes too long and i dont have the time can someone get me a psn account with a lvl 30 healer on it? my email is [email protected]
  4. A

    Dc universe online: controller or healer?

    I have a fire tank and I'm thinking about making another character that of a support roll. I can't decide between a healer or controller. If I pick healer I'll probably do sorcery and if I do controller I'll probably do gadgets or mental. I don't have any dlc for this game. Which is a more...
  5. G

    Who's a better healer, Sakura Haruno part 2 or Katara?

    The reason why it's part 2 is because that's really when she was shown as a medical nin. Read these pages on their healing abilities. http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Katara#Healing http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sakura_Haruno#Medical_Ninjutsu Actually for Sakura start at the Chakra Control section...
  6. N

    Meeting with your healer trainer Allods quest?

    which person shoud i ask for the quest at the allods database thng said the ending npc i wnat the starting npc?
  7. P

    Is the lord Jesus Christ your healer?

  8. L

    Do you know a faith healer who can heal long distance? Serious answers please.

    My husband is bipolar and? I want him to stop having these episodes and the meds don't work that great and have side effects.
  9. D


    I heard on the radio that they came up with a product that you put on your car, and if you get a scratch, it repairs/heals itself. Have you heard of this? Apparetly they got the idea from skin and lobsters. Wonderig if its true or just a rumour
  10. J

    my blue healer to stop crying and biting every night she is a puppy how do i get...

    ...her potty trained? i need to get her potty trained ASAP and i really need to get her to stop crying cause she crys all the time and trys to get out ot her box and she does and than im afraid she will go to the bathroom in the house 101