
  1. G

    Awesome Tom Hanks Photo: Fan Pretends to Be Drunk With Oscar Winner

    Tom Hanks was already known for being a great guy. But his reputation as one of the nicest movie stars around has kicked into overdrive after a friend of a guy who had an incredibly...
  2. G

    Transformers: Dark of the Moon Crushes Puny Humans Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts, Who,

    The Transformers sequel without Megan Fox is making tens of millions less than the Tranformers sequel with her. Tom Hanks' and Julia Roberts' Larry Crowne hasn't even grossed...
  3. D

    What Tom Hanks movie do you have in your personal DVD collection?

    I have "The Green Mile". What about you?
  4. J

    title of an older movie - kind of like cast away with tom hanks but more...

    ...sci fi i think? i cant remember too much since i saw it when i was young but it had a guy who was deserted on an island or place and he found some kind of cave he lived in. The most detailed part i remember is that there was a fresh water supply in like a small fountain in the cave and it had...
  5. D

    Favorite Al Pacino and Tom Hanks movie?

    Mine is Dog Day Afternoon and Big. What's yours?
  6. D

    Favorite Al Pacino and Tom Hanks movie?

    Mine is Dog Day Afternoon and Big. What's yours?
  7. D

    Favorite Al Pacino and Tom Hanks movie?

    Mine is Dog Day Afternoon and Big. What's yours?
  8. D

    Favorite Al Pacino and Tom Hanks movie?

    Mine is Dog Day Afternoon and Big. What's yours?