
  1. S

    Which is better as an overall??? Hades Kerbecs or Vari Ares??? Or is there any other?

    I was thinking bout buying one of them. So i was confused between Hell Kerbecs and Variares. Please help.
  2. N

    Aphrodite, Apollo,Ares,Artemis,Athena,Demeter, Dionysus,Eros, Hades,...

    ...Zeus,Poseidon,Hephaestus,Hera,Hermes, Hes? The Greek Gods, I Don't Understand none of them, Can I Believe In them and still believe in the "god" we all worship
  3. M

    Roman Mithraism + Judaism + Greek Hades = Christianity?

    What other religious ideologies helped shape what we now refer to as Christianity? Which key historic leaders had the most influence is shaping and spreading this religion? (Note: Roman Mithraism, not Persian Mithraism.) Thanks for your answers, if you choose to share.
  4. Z

    Where can i download Gates of Hades I doser free? no torrents please?

    I want to listen to Gates of hades
  5. C

    RELIGION: Hell, Hades and the Lake of Fire?

    Do you believe that hell is real? In the Bible, we read that hell and hades will both be cast into the lake of fire. If there is a lake of fire, where is it? Are hell, the lake of fire and hades spiritual locations or actual locations someone where man has not been?
  6. J

    Zeus, Heras, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hephaestus, Athene, Aphrodite,...

    ...Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Hermis, Dionysus? Ok those are 13 gods of Ancient Greek, which one of those was not in the olympians? Since there was only 12 gods...
  7. C

    Hades vs Ares, who wins?

    Two Olympian Gods going at it. I think Hades would win.
  8. E

    Did you know that the term hell comes from the greek term hades which actually means

    death? If you accept Christ as your savior, then you can have life after death. There is an eternal lake of fire mentioned in revelations however! It is also mentioned burning people until they are pure.
  9. K

    Zeus, Hades, Ares, Artemis, Athena, and Aphrodite.?

    what are some facts about the Greek gods and goddess above.