
  1. N

    Were prehuman ancestors such as Homo habilis and Homo ergaster allowed into the

    pearly white gates of heaven? Were they "human" enough?
  2. S

    What do Creationists think when they see the fossilized bones of Homo Habilis?

    Do they think it is a deformed human? Or, do they refuse to look at the fossilized bones at all?
  3. D

    What does the discovery of the Homo Habilis mean in relationship to the

    develop of man? discussion question for my world history course
  4. S

    How did Homo Habilis and Australopithecus Africanus differ?

    and why did Australopithecus become extinct while while H. Habilas continued to evolve.
  5. S

    Who discovered the first Homo Habilis skull Raymond Dart or Louis and Mary Leakey?

    The Leakey's
  6. P

    Young Earth Creationists: Did Noah take Australopithecus Afarensis, Homo Habilis, &

    Young Earth Creationists: Did Noah take Australopithecus Afarensis, Homo Habilis, & Neanderthals on the ark? Or did they die off in the flood? Why don't the pre-flood chapters of Genesis mention all the humanoids that we know must have existed because we've found their fossilized remains? I...
  7. P

    homo habilis facts list here?

    i need help for school answer please
  8. A

    Homo sapien and habilis information?

    Hey guys!!!!I need help finding a GOOD website to do my project on....I looked for hours yesterday and nothing was found good for me :{.....All I need from you guyz is good websites THAT YOU CHECKED ON that have info on both!!!!Please dont say look on google has or whatever cause I did so...
  9. G

    Did neanderthals have immortal souls? What about Homo erectus, Homo habilis...?

    All were bipedal judging by pelvises, heel bones etc. unlike modern apes such as chimps (brain size 300-500cc) H. neanderthalensis average brain size similar to H. Sapiens (us), 1450 cc H. Erectus avg. brain size 900cc (750-1225cc as get more recent) H. Habilis avg. brain size 650cc (500-800cc...
  10. D

    Do Christians think Homo Habilis or Homo Erectus are the Adam and Eve in their

    mythology? This is for the Christians who accept human evolution and accept that humans are a species of primate but still insist that the myths in their bibles are metaphorical stories about real concepts. I think they believe that the writers of the bible myths were inspired by the Christian...
  11. C

    did homo habilis have aposable thumbs?

    did they? i know they didnt have aposable toes but thumbs??
  12. M

    Dose anyone know any info on Homo habilis?

    like Shelter,Tools,Food and Other stuff.
  13. F

    Does anyone know any helpful links/sites for Homo Habilis?

    I have to start researching, and I can't find any helpful links. Does anyone know a good website where I can find out about Homo Habilis? Preferably something that tells their technology used, their physical appearance, and their culture. I am not allowed to use wikipedia (stupid school...) and...
  14. F

    Does anyone know any helpful links/sites for Homo Habilis?

    I have to start researching, and I can't find any helpful links. Does anyone know a good website where I can find out about Homo Habilis? Preferably something that tells their technology used, their physical appearance, and their culture. I am not allowed to use wikipedia (stupid school...) and...