
  1. E

    Do you punish or reward to the human in the grave?

    the next went down the revelation came Jibreel to the Prophet Muhammad told him Eayat God and reduce him and said, ((6) Then perhaps you would kill yourself through grief over them, [O Muhammad], if they do not believe in this message, [and ] out of sorrow ( The words of Allaah ((21) So...
  2. O

    Fellow Christians: Why is homosexuality a grave sin but we are allowed to eat pork?

    I'm confused with parts of the laws in the Leviticus. I am Catholic and eat pork and shell fish. WHy is that okay for Christians but not for Jews and Muslims? I understand that gays are living in sin and Jesus never changed that. But did Jesus change the dietary laws?
  3. R

    Film: Grave of the Fireflies. Which DVD release offers both English dubbing and

    subtitles w/original language? I know this sounds slightly insane, but I wanted to buy the 2009 version because I like the cover art much better. I think the cover art for the 2002 DVD is downright ugly. However, in the details where it lists language options, I'm a bit confused and...
  4. G

    A True Ghost Story Part Five: The Grave on the Hill

    One of the main reasons we were staying in Kimberley at all was to assist the museum staff with a particular, and rather singular, survey and excavation. The location and circumstances of this field project were quite remarkable. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  5. M

    Reasonably priced Headstones and Grave Markers

    Our reputable company promote low-cost headstones and grave markers. We promote slant headstones, upright headstones, flat grave markers and more.
  6. M

    Low-priced Headstones and Grave Markers

    Our commercial enterprise offer up reasonably priced headstones and grave markers. We market slant headstones, upright headstones, flat grave markers and more.
  7. clark

    Did Jet Li really swear in cradle 2 the grave or romeo must die or was that...

    ...his voice over? I have to know if he did or not. And I hope he didn't
  8. A

    Hotaru no Haka (Grave of the Fireflies) book?

    Hey ! =D I wanted to ask if somebody knows where I can find the book 'Hotaru no Haka' (Grave of the Fireflies). Any online shops? Or maybe download this book somewhere? Maybe read online? Anything's fine, I just really, REALLY want to read this book! Sorry for bothering and thanks in advance!
  9. A

    whats the fourth book in grave series by Charlaine Harris?

    any information is helpful
  10. Z

    How do you work the blue grave on the Zombie Farm Game for the iPad?

    On my iPad I purchased a blue grave with brains and when I harvested my zombies afterwards they turned out green. What's wrong? And how do I activate it?
  11. Z

    How do you work the blue grave in Zombie Farm for the Ipad.?

    On my iPad I purchased a blue grave with brains and when I harvested my zombies afterwards they turned out green. What's wrong? And how do I activate it?
  12. D

    Is Abraham Lincoln turning in his grave right now, looking at the modern

    Republican Party? The Republican Party, the Progressive Liberals of their day who stood against slavery, and the racist, Democratic South. But as it is widely-known, both parties completely switched their bases of support. Slave states
  13. M

    I Spit On Your Grave (2010): Is it a horror or thriller?

    Now I like revenge thrillers. But anything as torturous as Saw and Hostel and as scary as Halloween and The Exorcist isn't my thing (you know, any horror stuff). The trailer for that film was good. But will the actual film be something like Hostel? Btw, forgot to mention, I wouldn't mind strong...
  14. M

    Is it possible for a ghost to get his or her body back from the grave?

    If there's a ghost in a haunted house and let's say he or she wants his or her body back; can we do anything to help the ghost get his or her body back so he or she can be alive again?
  15. S

    My mom wont let me go see my cousins grave?

    I just asked my mom if I could go lay a little teddy bear on my cousin's grave. But she said no. How can I tell her that I want to atleast tell him that I love him.
  16. G

    Is it ok to put flowers on a celebrities grave? ?

    hi, i am a BIG fan/new fan of a celebritie (not sure if to put his name) and after visiting his official website (which may have been started after his death but IS official) i have found where his grave is and its in a nearby town.He is berryed in a normal cemetary (not closed off) which...
  17. G

    Who is your favorite Monster Jam truck, I like Grave Digger ?

    Which one and why?