
  1. G

    The Hugest, Most Verbose, and Least Grammatical Cache of Spam Comments, Ever [Spam]

    Cory Doctorow, co-editor of BoingBoing, hit the motherload of all spam motherloads this morning, when he woke up to find some nitwit had visited his personal WordPress site and dumped a giant, rambling post of every SEO spam comments in their database. Oops! More »
  2. E

    Why are so many Yahoo! news articles riddled with so many grammatical errors and

    simple spelling mistakes? I can't seem to finish reading a paragraph without coming across at least two sentences with horrible structure or glaring spelling errors. I would expect the Yahoo! news department to at least have editors and proofreaders on staff if they're going to claim to be a...
  3. V

    Can you PRETTY PLEASE check the following for grammatical errors? Ten points to

    most hehlpful answer. Thanks? I'm making a resume for somebody and need help proofreading it because english is my second language. Please correct any mistakes you see!! thanks. OBJECTIVE To obtain a challenging position where I may apply skills and abilities and my interest in working with...
  4. V

    Can you PRETTY PLEASE check the following for grammatical errors? Ten points to

    most hehlpful answer. Thanks? I'm making a resume for somebody and need help proofreading it because english is my second language. Please correct any mistakes you see!! thanks. OBJECTIVE To obtain a challenging position where I may apply skills and abilities and my interest in working with...
  5. C

    Are there any grammatical errors in my Birthday greeting? ?

    Here is my Birthday greeting to my friend: Happy Birthday, Ellen! It is an honor, and a privilege to be friends with you and your wonderful family. Thank you!