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    Progression Of Glioblastoma May Be Accelerated By Cytomegalovirus

    A virus that infects most Americans but that usually remains dormant in the body might speed the progression of an aggressive form of brain cancer when particular genes are shut off in tumor cells, new research shows. The animal study by researchers at the Ohio State University Comprehensive...
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    Promising Early Results For Use Of Poliovirus Vaccine In Recurrent Glioblastoma

    An attack on glioblastoma brain tumor cells that uses a modified poliovirus is showing encouraging results in an early study to establish the proper dose level, researchers at Duke Cancer Institute report. The treatment, developed at Duke and tested in an ongoing phase 1 study, capitalizes on...
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    Targeting Lung And Colon Cancers And Glioblastoma Using New Photon-Counting Technique

    For scientists to improve cancer treatments with targeted therapeutic drugs, they need to be able to see proteins prevalent in the cancer cells. This has been impossible, until now. Thanks to a new microscopy technique, University of Akron researcher Dr. Adam Smith, assistant professor of...
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    Discovery Of A Genetic Cause Of Glioblastoma May Lead To New Treatment

    Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) have discovered that some cases of glioblastoma, the most common and aggressive form of primary brain cancer, are caused by the fusion of two adjacent genes. The study also found that drugs that target the protein produced by this genetic...
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    Glioblastoma Classification Revision Should Improve Patient Care

    Radiation oncology researchers have revised the system used by doctors since the 1990s to determine the prognosis of people with glioblastoma, which is the most devastating of malignant brain tumors. The outdated system was devised for glioblastoma and related brain tumors that were treated by...
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    Treating Glioblastoma By Starving Cancer Cells Of Cholesterol

    A new study suggests that blocking cancer cells' access to cholesterol may offer a new strategy for treating glioblastoma, the most common and deadly form of brain cancer, and perhaps other malignancies. The potential treatment could be appropriate for tumors with a hyperactive PI3K signaling...
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    Drugs Of The Indirubin Family May Improve Survival In Glioblastoma

    The active ingredient in a traditional Chinese herbal remedy might help treat deadly brain tumors, according to a new study by researchers at the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center - Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute (OSUCCC - James). The...