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    Happy Thanksgiving from Giz [Thanksgiving]

    By now you're probably either done or in the process of stuffing your stomach to the point of a hospital visit. Us too. This Thanksgiving, we're more thankful than ever to have you along with us. You, and this stuff: More »
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    Like Google But Slower: I Will Solve Your Problems [Live] [Ask Giz]

    You have problems. I am the solution. For two hours I will reveal your hidden solutions, shine a guiding light through the tangle of love, and help you find drivers for your USB devices. In real time. This has begun. More »
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    Giz Service Announcement: Aim Fireworks Into the Air, Not At Your Mom [July 4th]

    We wish you an awesome day! Here's a clip from the Consumer Product Safety Commission that proves, once and for all, that it is not okay to point fireworks at family members. Happy July 4th everybody! [CPSC] More » Fireworks - Pyrotechnics - Fourth of July - Technology -...
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    Ask Giz: Is It OK To Ask Someone Out Via Text Message? Can You Use Video? [Badvalenti

    Though we've talked a lot about dumping via text message, the burning question put to our resident love doctor is: Can you ask someone out via text message? And can you do it with video? As technology evolves, the number of ways to ask someone out on a date grows and grows until one day you get...
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    Giz Explains: Why HTML5 Isn't Going to Save the Internet [Giz Explains]

    The beardier parts of the web-o-sphere have been abuzz about HTML5, the next version of the language that powers our internet. Will it revolutionize web apps? Will it kill Flash video? Will it fix our gimpy iPads? Yes... and no. The tech press recently transformed HTML5 from a quiet...
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    Giz Explains: The Ultimate HDTV Cheat Sheet [Giz Explains]

    It's truly the best time of year to buy an HDTV, and well, here's every confusing TV term you might encounter, everything you need, explained in one place. Resolution aka 720p vs. 1080i vs. 1080p Resolution is pretty simple—it's the number of individual dots (pixels) that make up a display...
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    Giz Explains: Android, and How It Will Take Over the World [Giz Explains]

    This week we met Motorola's Droid, the first handset with Android 2.0. To an outsider, it just looks like another Google smartphone, but 2.0 is more than that: it's proof that Android is finally going to take over the world. So Wait, What Is Android, Exactly? In Google's words, it's "the...
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    Giz Explains: Why You Can't Get Decent Earphones for Less Than $100 [Giz Explains]

    Crappy earbuds are killing music. It's true. The problem is that good earbuds, like speakers, aren't cheap. We're gonna be talking in-ear earbuds—canalphones, really, or in-ear monitors, if you're snooty—since all the good stuff goes deep into your precious earholes. We aren't talking about...
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    I Get By With a Little Help From a Vaporizer and Pancake Machine [Giz Gallery 09]

    After closing Thursday night, we had a bit of spare time and so ended up just hanging out and running a few tests on the Volcano Vaporizer and the Chefstack pancake machine. They passed. Gizmodo Gallery 2009 Details Groupe 267 Elizabeth Street New York, NY 10012 The Gallery is open now...
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    Guy Agrees to Be Tased @ Giz Gallery '09 [Giz Gallery 09]

    Yes, you read that right. We have someone who said he's willing to get tased, live at Giz Gallery TODAY. And you better believe we'll have that on camera. James Del, who works in Gawker's sales department, says he's up for the task. So at 2:30p today, we'll be tasing him in the gallery. If you...
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    We Still Need an Electrician to Help Out at Gizmodo Gallery!!! [Giz Gallery '09]

    We've started setting up Gizmodo Gallery and we still need someone with electrical expertise to come in and wire us up a couple of outlets that run on a 220v circuit and string some extension cords for us. And we're willing to pay you MONEY. If yourself, or someone you know is up to the task...
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    Giz and Fleshbot's Valentine's Sex Gadget Gift Guide (NSFW) [Love]

    Valentine's Day is but a few days away—and if you're anything like us, you probably haven't even begun to think about buying a present for your loved (or lusted after) one. Here's help. But it's okay—Gizmodo and Fleshbot are here for you, with a list of sexy gadgets sure to please each and...