
  1. J

    Germans only: How is Flensburg for three months vacation for a black skinned asian?

    Are there any Nazis in there that make life miserable for foreigners ? Are there any other foreingers living in Flensburg apart from Germans and Danish? How are the people's behavirour there? As my experience is that people living away from the main country center are a little bit crazier and...
  2. L

    Do Germans have a specific stance or position when singing their national anthem?

    this is for my report in my Foreign language class. Helfen Sie, bitte!! DANKE!!!!!!! (:
  3. B

    Do the Germans (just as the English do) possess, a..... sense of humour?

    English humour; the best in the world; Greek humour.......non existent!
  4. H

    Germans I am going to travel Germany next year?

    I plan to stay on the island of Sylt for some time and would like to go to a nude beach too My problem my manhood is only 1.5 inch will people laugh about me and make fun?
  5. K

    RIDDLE: Why are Germans so funny?

    Because they created the Lolacaust.
  6. J

    Germans: Informally, how would you say/write: If you could travel back in...

    ...time, where would you go? ***** Wenn du könntest in der Zeit zurückreisen, wohin würdest du gehen? ******
  7. L

    Why do some Germans give you a smarty reply when you greet with "Grüß Gott"...

    Why do some Germans give you a smarty reply when you greet with "Grüß Gott"... ...instead of "Guten Tag"? Such as "when I see Him" or whatever. Aren't they used to hearing it from the Austrians and Bavarians by now?
  8. T

    Questions to Germans : Your opinion on the current German national football team?

    First, I have no intention to stimulate your nationalism. Please do not misunderstand my reason for this question. I'm an enthusiastic fan of the current German national football team, though they were defeated by Spain in the semi-final of 2010 FIFA World Cup. At the time, I also wished Germany...
  9. M

    will xavi, iniesta, casillas cry like messi when germans teach them to play real... adios amigos bye bye spain. lol catalans cry the most. all these macho latins are insecure. pique and puyol are going to be burned. spain's offense i love it but their defense will catapult under the german's swift counter attack.
  10. J

    Why Germans and Croats like each other?

    Seriously what's the deal, my grandfather German talks about Croats all the time and he has a lot of Croatian friends who work in Germany . What did they do for each other? Just curious.
  11. J

    Why Germans and Croats like each other?

    Seriously what's the deal, my grandfather German talks about Croats all the time and he has a lot of Croatian friends who work in Germany . What did they do for each other? Just curious.
  12. S

    Germans: Have you considered making Lena Meyer-Landrut the next Miss Germany?

    She'd be Miss Universe easily? Sigh... I'm American... and lovestruck :)))
  13. N

    Fundies say Gays will destroy the Military. The British, Australians, Germans,...

    ...Russians are wrong then? They permit homosexuals to serve openly. I have never heard anyone say those countries didn't understand war.
  14. G

    Steel 'Velcro' Made By Germans Supports 35 Tons, Heat At Up To 800 Degrees Celcius [V

    If your Velcro jacket fasteners were made of this German-engineered steel "Velcro", you'd be able to withstand 35 tons worth of force—provided your skin and bones don't tear first. The "Velcro", which isn't really Velcro but has one side with spikes and the other with steel brushes, can...
  15. V

    Germans Are Crazy: The 625-Horsepower G-Power BMW X5 Typhoon RS

    G-Power has released details of its G-Power X5 Typhoon RS, which modifies the BMW X5, increasing its performance. * The G-Power Typhoon has supercharged the BMW X5 4.8-liter V-8 engine to produce 625 horsepower and 516 pound-feet of torque.* The car is also fitted with a G-Power Speedflow...
  16. L

    what was it like for germans traveling to Canada in the early 1900's?

    traveling to canada on a boat, what the journey like for immigrants coming to canada espcially from germany. i have to do a small project about my heritage and i haven't been able to find out the answers online. Was entry into Canada easy for german people?
  17. P

    Do Germans really like to hike naked?

    I read this news article today that says that a wave of naked hiking has over taken Switzerland and that it is particular popular among German tourists. Do you think this is true about Germans? Why? I know a German woman ... she's fond of wearing only a bath towel...