
  1. A

    We Will Soon Replace All Food With Soylent, The Nutritious Vitamin Sludge Of The Futu

    As a lady blog (one of several!), we get bombarded with a lot of information about fantastical new diets all the time. For the most part, they’re a repackaging of the same fluffy bullshit that celebrities parrot ad nauseam in gossip weeklies–broccoli and fish! grilled chicken and salad!–but...
  2. T

    Putting A Bull's-Eye On The Flu: Science Paper Details Influenza's Structure For Futu

    Beating the flu has always been tough, but it has gotten even more difficult in recent years. Two of the four antiviral drugs used to treat a nasty case of the influenza A virus no longer work. Fortunately, scientists at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and Institute of Molecular...