funny or

  1. B

    i am a guy. am i gay if my fave animal is an anteater? do u get it, is it funny/?

    i swear this is not my best joke, someone said it to me and i cracked up. i was the one who said it. god, help me
  2. C

    Funny/ Interesting Informative Speech Topics?

    I gotta come up with an informative speech for my college intro to public speaking class by Monday and I have no idea what to talk about. Everybody else talks about diseases, death or the holiday season's and their history which bores me to death. I want to talk about something interesting or...
  3. C

    Funny/ Drinking quotes or sayings in Spanish?

    My bfs family are huge mexican party animals and since i dont know that much spanish, i would like to impress them by saying a quote in spanish that relates to Partying/Drinking etc... and thats preferably funny
  4. R

    Funny/ Cute Sophomore quotes?

    Its spirit week at school and me and my friend are decorating blue shirts (because its our grade color) and we want to put a cute or funny saying on it like " live more laugh more sophomore" or jingle bells, seniors smell, sophomores all the way, juniors suck, there all sluts and freshmen have...
  5. T

    is this joke funny????/?

    whats the difference between a dead baby and a new car? i don't have a new car in my garage.
  6. R

    high school drama club officer-how do I make my application essay funny/ interesting?

    Hi, so to run for drama club officer, we have to submit a funny paper to the current officers and they pick the people for next year. The only requirements are that you include why you want to run, what you will do to improve the club, and make it interesting/ funny. I really want this but I'm...
  7. J

    we need some random/ funny/ wired questions for a youtube vid any ideas?

    this is some we already have... 1.planet? 2.why does a round pizza come in a square box wired is this? 4.if a deaf person has to go to court is it called a hereing? 5.can you cry under watter? 6.what is your current desktop pic? 7. do the alphabet song and twinkle, twnkle little star have...