
  1. T

    Police Frontline Test Help?

    I took the Frontline police video test and reading test last month. I passed the video test but failed the reading test. I wasn't surprised that I failed the reading test because it was unlike anything I've seen or read. To prep for the test, I bought police exam books and I studied like crazy...
  2. S

    Can you play medal of honor frontline on the new medal of honor without the

    disk on ps3? On medal of honor they put on frontline but how can you play the game without the disk? i installed it on the ps3 and i only have it on loan from friend but want moh frontline. can u play it without the disk?
  3. N

    who can be the naming 3rd and 4th frontline bowlers in the indian side other

    than zaheer khan and harbhajan.? who is the suggested third and fourth frontline bowlers for this world cup???
  4. H

    can Frontline discolor fur?

    i have been using Frontline Plus on my dog every month since i got him. I always apply it in the same spot in between his shoulder blades. When his hair grows out in between groomings the hair in that spot grows back darker and coarser. is that normal with Frontline? his coat is kind of an...
  5. T

    Frontline HIV Practitioners Respond To The National HIV/AIDS Strategy

    The American Academy of HIV Medicine (AAHIVM) applauded the first-ever National HIV/AIDS Strategy, acknowledging the enormous effort and dedication by the executive branch, Jeffrey Crowley, Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy, and his staff. "We hope the National Strategy will have...
  6. T

    Business Delivers As Front-Line Player In The Global Fight Against HIV/AIDS, TB And M

    From an initiative that's reaching 3.5 million people threatened by TB to a massive expansion of access to cheap anti-malaria medication in 24 African countries, businesses are doing work that is complementing the global health work of governments and international agencies. The companies behind...
  7. T

    Euro MPs Vote To Protect Front-line NHS Spending

    NHS European office director Elisabetta Zanon expressed delight that the European Parliament had listened to the concerns of NHS organisations and softened proposals to penalise public bodies for late payment of bills. The European Parliament has voted to significantly soften hard-line...
  8. E

    Do I need to re-apply Frontline if...?

    I have a 6 month old puppy, vet gave me Frontline for fleas and ticks and I have been applying it once a month as directed. Yesterday morning I applied it but it rained later that day so he was drizzled on and shortly after that my family played with him and petted him a lot. I feel like it all...
  9. E

    Do I need to re-apply Frontline if...?

    I have a 6 month old puppy, vet gave me Frontline for fleas and ticks and I have been applying it once a month as directed. Yesterday morning I applied it but it rained later that day so he was drizzled on and shortly after that my family played with him and petted him a lot. I feel like it all...
  10. E

    Do I need to re-apply Frontline if...?

    I have a 6 month old puppy, vet gave me Frontline for fleas and ticks and I have been applying it once a month as directed. Yesterday morning I applied it but it rained later that day so he was drizzled on and shortly after that my family played with him and petted him a lot. I feel like it all...
  11. T

    Second-Line CML Drugs Evoke Faster Response Than Front-Line Therapy

    Two medications approved as treatment for drug-resistant chronic myeloid leukemia continue to provide patients with quicker, better responses as a first treatment than the existing front-line drug, researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center reported at the 51st Annual...
  12. C

    Could this be caused from Frontline?

    I gave my dog a bath and a week later I applied the frontline. I applied it on Feb 22nd and few days ago I noticed that he was itching really bad. Today when I came home from class I noticed that where he is really itchy he is losing his hair. He is 60 lbs and the tubes in the box are not what...
  13. M

    Frontline The Old Man and the Storm

    Name: Frontline The Old Man and the Storm Category: Documentaries: All Size: 744.71MB Added: 2009-01-17 17:47:29