
  1. G

    I personally put Al Franken in the Senate

    Today is Minnesota Senator Al Franken's Birthday. In honor of that, I'm reposting this historically accurate and important essay, which first appeared on this blog on April 23, 2009 at 3:56PM: I personally put Al Franken in the Senate Al Franken is about to be seated as the Junior...
  2. G

    Al Franken, Tearer Of Orifices, Tears One

    I am so happy Al is my Senator. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  3. G

    Al Franken on the Tax Breaks for the Rich

    Read the comments on this post... More...
  4. D

    How Does A Ranting Kook Like Al Franken get away with election fraud and still

    It wasn't fraud. But as far as Franken staying a senator goes? Anybody who can't beat a brain-dead psychopath and right-wing looney-toons like Norm Coleman by at LEAST ten-to-one really should find another line of work. .
  5. G

    My close personal friend Al Franken just sent me this personal private letter

    ... and I thought I'd share it with you ... Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  6. G

    Help Out Al Franken's Friend

    I just got the following email from Al Franken: Dear Greg, Believe me, the last thing a Vikings fan like me would ever think to support is something called a "Cheddarbomb." But while the Packers may be our rival, I'd do just about anything to help out my friend Russ Feingold. His...
  7. G

    Al Franken and Uganda's Death to Gays Bill

    Al Franken allies with Tom Coburn to oppose Uganda's death-to-homosexuals bill Sen. Al Franken has signed on to a Senate resolution condemning a bill before Uganda's Parliament that would outlaw homosexuality and make it a crime punishable by death. (Hat tip: Minnesota Independent.) What...
  8. G

    Al Franken and Uganda's Death to Gays Bill

    Al Franken allies with Tom Coburn to oppose Uganda's death-to-homosexuals bill Sen. Al Franken has signed on to a Senate resolution condemning a bill before Uganda's Parliament that would outlaw homosexuality and make it a crime punishable by death. (Hat tip: Minnesota Independent.) What makes...
  9. G

    Senator Al Franken Tears Comcast CEO New Orifice

    Don't mess with Al, man. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  10. G

    Senator Al Franken Tears Comcast CEO New Orifice

    Don't mess with Al, man. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  11. G

    Franken slaps Lieberman upside the head

    You've gotta see this if you have not yet seen it. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  12. L

    Is McCain planning a blanket party for the newbie Franken?

    I think he needs one. Yeah what the hell maybe it's time for a senate floor brawl. If John could get his hands on the little weazel it'd be all over.
  13. G

    Republicans Ask Franken To Stop Being Senator

    ... or ... Republicans Attack Franken for Opposing Rape No, no ... maybe this .. Thirty Senate Republicans Prefer Rape over Justice Or perhaps ... Al Franken Does Right Thing: Republicans Get Mad Oh, forget it. I'll never decide on a title for this post. Just watch the story: Read...
  14. G

    Republicans Ask Franken To Stop Being Senator

    ... or ... Republicans Attack Franken for Opposing Rape No, no ... maybe this .. Thirty Senate Republicans Prefer Rape over Justice Or perhaps ... Al Franken Does Right Thing: Republicans Get Mad Oh, forget it. I'll never decide on a title for this post. Just watch the story...
  15. G

    Republicans Ask Franken To Stop Being Senator

    ... or ... Republicans Attack Franken for Opposing Rape No, no ... maybe this .. Thirty Senate Republicans Prefer Rape over Justice Or perhaps ... Al Franken Does Right Thing: Republicans Get Mad Oh, forget it. I'll never decide on a title for this post. Just watch the story...
  16. C

    How long before either Al Franken or Norm Coleman is seated to the US. Senate?...

    Al Franken won. There are those who just don't want to face or know how to take defeat. Let's hope that the voters of Minnesota won't allow another "selection" from the bench to happen again.