
  1. G

    Going on a cruise and forgetting clothes?

    My nan has been having a dream nearly every night lately and it's about her going on a cruise ship and relizing she forgot her clothes so she left and went and got them then got back on the ship and then relized that she forgot her shoes. What do you think this means?
  2. T

    Neurotranmitters Identified That Lead To Forgetting

    While we often think of memory as a way of preserving the essential idea of who we are, little thought is given to the importance of forgetting to our wellbeing, whether what we forget belongs in the "horrible memories department" or just reflects the minutia of day-to-day living. Despite the...
  3. S

    Forgetting the name of a manga? ?

    Hi. Well, anyway, I was thinking about random cosplays to choose from, such as a good mudkip gijika or Timmy Turner, then decided to look at curly blonde wigs, which sparked a memory. I can only remember bits, but here it goes; 1. The girl is very tan, with light makeup and light blonde hair...
  4. R

    Songs about becoming famous and forgetting people who were mean to you?

    Songs like glee's "loser like me"
  5. A

    Asian movie I saw involving a woman forgetting everything including her husband.

    Can't remember the name...? I saw this movie a about a year ago on youtube, I found it it by accident. It was this sad and amazing love story about a girl who meets this construction worker, they date, fall in love, eventually marry and then she starts losing her memory. (Early Alzheimer's) I...
  6. C

    I keep forgetting the name of this movie, can anyone tell me?

    some guy has cancer gets chemotherapy and gets fat and bald... his name is Gus and he falls inlove with a woman and loses weight with help from his sister an erotica author... pretends to be this motorcycle "lone wolf" guy and then she falls in love with him?
  7. C

    I keep forgetting the name of this movie, can anyone tell me?

    some guy has cancer gets chemotherapy and gets fat and bald... his name is Gus and he falls inlove with a woman and loses weight with help from his sister an erotica author... pretends to be this motorcycle "lone wolf" guy and then she falls in love with him?
  8. C

    I keep forgetting the name of this movie, can anyone tell me?

    some guy has cancer gets chemotherapy and gets fat and bald... his name is Gus and he falls inlove with a woman and loses weight with help from his sister an erotica author... pretends to be this motorcycle "lone wolf" guy and then she falls in love with him?
  9. G

    ...forgetting that Obama is black...

    Does Chris Matthews "forgetting that Obama is black" falls into that same range of racism as "Pretty for a black girl" and the "You're not like those other black people" claptrap often espoused by the "I'm not racist, but..." crowd. They're coded as compliments, but the subtext is still an...
  10. G

    ...forgetting that Obama is black...

    Does Chris Matthews "forgetting that Obama is black" falls into that same range of racism as "Pretty for a black girl" and the "You're not like those other black people" claptrap often espoused by the "I'm not racist, but..." crowd. They're coded as compliments, but the subtext is still an...
  11. A

    Forgetting sarah marshall?

    Wasn't it a good movie? Give me your opinions.
  12. P

    Is Anyone Wondering Where To Watch Forgetting Sarah Marshall?

    If Your Wondering Here Ya Go. Im Watching It Right Now.
  13. T

    I'm traveling out of the country and a little OCD about forgetting something,

    help me with a checklist please? a checklist of things i need before i leave
  14. P

    Is the MSM forgetting about Obama's 20 years listening to a racist pastor when they

    refer to Lincoln and MLK? Deacon- Not whining, just pointing out the "1984"-esque job the media is doing. I'm in a union so Obama will probably be good for me. Even though it will be temporary.