
  1. G

    Under Chair Cat Hammock Keeps Fluffy off the Damn Furniture [Pets]

    If you have pets you've already accepted the fact that your home will be perpetually covered in a layer of fur. Visitors, though? Probably not as keen. So this tiny hammock lets your cat still use your furniture without leaving it covered in hair. More »
  2. U

    A Romantic Manga That is Light and Fluffy?

    I really like the guy to fall in love with the girl first, by the way be prepared, I'm picky. I would like him it have an upbeat attitude and possibly blush a lot(maybe) No Eechi or Hentai please, A little perverted is okay. Not lots of drama please, it gets tiring. And this is just an example...
  3. A

    do kittens know how cute and fluffy they are ?

    i say that sometimes kittens let you pet them only when you give them treats
  4. E

    Did you hear that fluffy died? (joke)?

    This guy comes home from work one day to find his dog with the neighbor's pet rabbit in his mouth. The rabbit is dead and the guy panics. He thinks the neighbor is going to hate him forever, so he takes the dirty, chewed up rabbit into the house and gives it a bath, blow dries its fur and puts...
  5. V

    What are the directions for cooking great value's extra fluffy pancake mix?

    My husband put all the mix into a tupperware bowl for storage and forgot to save the box so I could know the mix to water ratio.
  6. S

    where can i find an old fashioned silk negligee with fluffy trimmings?

    Does anyone remember the old fashioned negligee sets that you would see people like Marilyn Monroe wearing. Does anyone know where i can find a silk negligee with a matching see throughish dressing gown with fluffy trimmings and slipper shoes. the shoes should have a little heel and open toe...
  7. M

    I am going to buy a new kitten and i want a fluffy one..i live in melbourne

    Australia anyone selling any? would anyone like to sell 1 or do you know any websites?? THANK YOU
  8. M

    I am going to buy a new kitten and i want a fluffy one..i live in melbourne

    Australia anyone selling any? would anyone like to sell 1 or do you know any websites?? THANK YOU
  9. Lisa

    How Do I Get Fluffy Anime Bangs Like The Sailor Moon Characters?

    You know the Sailor Moon anime, how do I get the "fluffy" bangs? They're kind of high up you know, but not so high that it looks dorky. Anyone know? Thanks! ^__________^
  10. M

    I am going to buy a new kitten and i want a fluffy one..i live in melbourne

    Australia anyone selling any? would anyone like to sell 1 or do you know any websites?? THANK YOU
  11. M

    I am going to buy a new kitten and i want a fluffy one..i live in melbourne

    Australia anyone selling any? would anyone like to sell 1 or do you know any websites?? THANK YOU
  12. M

    I am going to buy a new kitten and i want a fluffy one..i live in melbourne

    Australia anyone selling any? would anyone like to sell 1 or do you know any websites?? THANK YOU
  13. M

    A beautiful fluffy white cat has just adopted me.I currently need suggestions for...

    ...a name? She cat. Be creative! Godron:a little too creative.
  14. A

    Is there a such thing as a fluffy Siamese?

    If you cross breed? My cat seems to be a Siamese. But he's ultra-fluffy. His brothers were all Siamese. His mother might have been Siamese. His dad was really fluffy. He's just a mutt, huh?