
  1. R

    I want to know what type of fines or jail time, or suspension i would have as a

    first time defender? In the state of Virginia, for providing Alcohol to a minor. The Story is i was drinking 40z with my friends in a parking lot. I know it's pretty moronic.
  2. A

    Schwartz-Harbaugh altercation will result in no fines, per NFL

    The postgame dust-up between Jim Schwartz and Jim Harbaugh after the San Francisco 49ers' 25-19 win over the Detroit Lions has been played up all day just about everywhere in NFL* circles, but the league took the first step to putting it to bed today when NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said that...
  3. A

    Adventures in Officiating: Chargers’ Garay, Seahawks’ Brock get same $15k fines for v

    On Thursday, two defenders — San Diego Chargers defensive tackle Antonio Garay and Seattle Seahawks defensive end Raheem Brock — were each fined $15,000 for their below-the-knee hits on marquee quarterbacks. Garay's hit was on New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, and it came with 13:45...
  4. A

    Cliff Harris’ mom puts a Band-Aid over gushing traffic fines and fees

    Cliff Harris should be thankful his mama loves him. Only love -- and fear of her son's possible jail time -- would compel a mother to pay $1,620 in traffic fines for her 20-year-old, irresponsible son who was caught speeding down the freeway with a suspended license. Harris, Oregon's...
  5. B

    Where does the money go that comes from fines in professional sports?

    Say for instance a football player gets fined several thousand dollars for excessive celebration. Now, that celebration did not cost the NFL a cent. So where do those thousands of dollars go?
  6. T

    What happens to funds received by US government agencies after levying fines... corporations like Toyota? This year alone, agencies collected $550M from Goldman Sachs and $16M from Toyota. How much, if at all, will funds go back to the agencies' budget? Are the funds reallocated to the taxpayers?
  7. V

    Failure to give way ticket, New York, fines? Points?

    Hey Answers, I got pulled over earlier, for speeding, and failure to give way. I was at a stoplight on a 4 lane road, car next to me was booming with bass, lol we left, I got up to 35 (35mph zone) ricer speeds up to get by me, I wasn't going to put up with it, so I sped up and got infront of...
  8. D

    Should rich people pay higher fines than poor people for driving offences etc

    in Australia? Western Australia's Green MP Giz Watson wants rich people to pay higher fines than poorer people for exactly the same offences. The Looney Left at its best!
  9. D

    Should rich people pay higher fines than poor people for driving offences etc

    in Australia? Western Australia's Green MP Giz Watson wants rich people to pay higher fines than poorer people for exactly the same offences. The Looney Left at its best!
  10. G

    Saints Unapologetic about Unusual Hurt the QB Strategy: "I don't care about no fines,

    Saints Unapologetic about Unusual Hurt the QB Strategy: "I don't care about no fines, In a recent post, I earned the ire of many poorly informed denialist football fans when I noted an obvious fact: The strategy used by the New Orleans Saints to win the playoff game with the much more...
  11. A

    NBA fines Barnes $20,000

    The NBA has fined Orlando Magic forward Matt Barnes $20,000 for throwing a basketball into the stands during a loss to the Miami Heat Wednesday night. Barnes told the Orlando Sentinel “I think that’s a little much. I completely understand the fine, but $20,000 is ridiculous.” *The paper reports...
  12. S

    Is there fines for wrongly claiming a dependent on your taxes?

    My Ex claimed our child on his taxes 3 out of the 8 years. This year being the 3rd year. Isn't there anything that the IRS does to these people? The last two times was found in the wrong. I am the custodial parent and with the child about 2/3 of the time. I don't see why the IRS can't flag his...