
  1. DrDeanCrosby

    OH NO ! Still More Bible Prophecy Is Erupting

    Since we are now living in the last days,immediately proceeding the Rapture,it is important to constantly be on the look-out for still more fulfillment of end time prophecy.Tragically with the dramatic turmoil in the Middle-East,euphemistically dubbed the "Arab Spring",which some have viewed...
  2. G

    Congo Volcano Erupting

    Mount Nyamulagira, 25km (16 miles) from the eastern city of Goma, erupted at dawn on Saturday, sending lava into the surrounding Virunga National Park. About 40 endangered chimpanzees and other animals live in the area. But the country's famous critically endangered mountain gorillas are...
  3. G

    Congo Volcano Erupting

    Mount Nyamulagira, 25km (16 miles) from the eastern city of Goma, erupted at dawn on Saturday, sending lava into the surrounding Virunga National Park.About 40 endangered chimpanzees and other animals live in the area. But the country's famous critically endangered mountain gorillas are said to...
  4. L

    Is there a certain personality prone to erupting collegue insecurities and

    target of gossiping? I know a few fols who always get subjected to this kind of headache at work - their common denominator - they are hardworkers and realky take time to learn their job and do more than they are required. I had a friend who started working at an early age and each time she gets...