
  1. G

    Energy-Efficient LED Traffic Lights Are Backfiring In a Deadly Way [LEDs]

    Oops. It appears that old fashioned, power hungry incandescent lights have one major advantage over LEDs—they get hot enough to melt snow. Unfortunately, cold weather cities are discovering this glaring oversight the hard way. Obviously, if the lights are not melting snow, motorists are going...
  2. K

    What's the most energy-efficient & 'green' microwave oven in India...planning to

    buy one for the home.? We're planning to get a new microwave oven for the home kitchen..nothing too exorbitant ( say, within 10k ), meant for a small family of 3.Can anyone kindly suggest a good brand available in Calcutta ( with a good after-sales service network ) ? Thanks & Peace Kaushik
  3. M

    Compact refrigerators aren't always the energy-efficient choice

    Compact refrigerators aren't always the energy-efficient choice In "Greens Gone Wild! These Folks Have Turned Their Back on Refrigerators," we reported on a New York Times story about energy-conscious individuals who have stopped using their refrigerator or given up their full-size model...