
  1. J

    How do you deal with people who want to vent their frustrations endlessly

    and repeatedly? My friend is determined to be in a negative mood and he searches for things to complain about endlessly and repeated but doesn't do anything to make himself feel better. He is a firm believer that venting his anger and frustration is a positive thing and not a negative thing...
  2. D

    I am endlessly fascinated with you nut jobs that don't accept evolution, humor me?

    You nut jobs make up 2/3 of Americans, sadly, please fascinate me with your ill gotten reasons in the space provided below, so that I may respond and mock you, thereby keeping me entertained for the next few minutes. Dirtay Me - more people respond, and with more interesting remarks may I add...
  3. D

    I can talk endlessly to anyone, but when it comes to humor, I'm stumped. Why is this?

    Whether I'm meeting someone new (i.e., stranger), or talking to a long time friend, I can talk endlessly about anything, but I can't seem to get in touch with my sense of humor. Everything I talk about is serious or so called "business talk". I can talk endlessly about anything scholarly or...