
  1. A

    Warped Wednesday: Hall voters unanimously elect Jimmie Johnson pending future retirem

    Welcome to Warped Wednesday. On this, we'll put out the rush to judgment mat, go a little too far and have a little fun. Will it be funny? Sometimes. Will it be crazy and largely unbelievable? Probably. Will not everyone get it? Definitely. Just days after his dominating win in the final...
  2. N

    Is there a name for the behaviour where (for example) a spouse will elect

    to wash the dishes before dining..? This is a little autobiographical, but bear with me. The point (in this headline example) being that the food was hot, and the dishes could have waited, but a spouse often choose to make everyone wait, let the food get cold, in-spite of gentle hints and...
  3. J

    Do you think the american voting public could actually elect Sarah Palin...

    ...president in 2012? In my opinion, I think anything is possible with the american voting public.
  4. J

    Do you think the american voting public could actually elect Sarah Palin...

    ...president in 2012? In my opinion, I think anything is possible with the american voting public.
  5. H

    Why doesn't my dazzle Dvc100 appear under 'select video source' in pinnicle

    instant dvd recorder? well.. this is really annoying me because i cant record. ive done loads of things to try and make it work such as download different drivers and updates, i have also tried re-installing the drivers and restarting my computer.. still no luck. please help!
  6. C

    Does this verse mean that God chose His elect to be saved in Christ, even before...

    ...they existed? According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Eph 1:4 @ Nochance, Really? How can you say that? Even a child could read this and understand what it says. Many don't like what it says...
  7. K

    Like the human body, how are members of the spiritual body of Christ (the elect)

    used for different reasons? Romans 12:4-5 (King James Version) 4 For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: 5 So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.
  8. M

    Why to people complain about the corruption of the government when we elect...

    ...the officials to begin with? I've seen and heard a lot of things about the government being corrupt and that politicians only follow money regardless of party, which for the most part is true. With this being said why do we(Americans) not do anything to stand up for ourselves? Why do we...
  9. P

    Funny Democracy. Why is it that Americans don't trust the people they elect with

    their money? Shouldn't you just pick better people, rather than getting rid of government?
  10. W

    96 Chevy Truck Help With a elect SHORT? Please?

    This is draining the battery, sometimes, very slowly .It will sometimes not attempt to start then Ill shake the cables down by the block and boom full power .Then sometimes its totally fine .I just took of my cables the pos. side and they look fine Im going to have the starter checked and Im...
  11. S

    What does the 'select' button do in The Sims Bustin Out? For PS2?

    I was playing The Sims Bustin Out for PS2. I pressed the select button out of curiosity and it made an interesting sound. Kind of a magical sound, hah. But I didn't see anything happen. Now I try pressing it again and it doesn't make the same noise, instead it makes a noise that basically makes...
  12. R

    Did we elect a President or a celebrity?

    It seems like you cant tell, with him it seems like he cant do any wrong and does what ever he wants without fear of the results. These are things we have come too expect from Paris Hilton but cant be accepted in cases of being the President.
  13. L

    How did we elect presidents back in the 1700's?

    Now a days we elect by states voting and those votes being tallied up. But how did they do it back then?
  14. M

    Is the President elect a celebrity-what has he acomplished for u that makes him

    worthy of all this attention? What's up with all the memorabilia on the Home Shopping Network? Everyone is expecting this "super hero" to take office. He hasn't even delivered yet...
  15. D

    Presidential comparison Pres.- elect Obama and Abraham Lincoln.?

    Has anybody noticed a comparison between Pres.- elect Obama and Abraham Lincoln? Obama will be sworn in on the very same Holy Bible that Lincoln sworn in on. That bible has not been used since Lincoln used it last. Pres.- elect Obama will be taking the trip to Washington, D. C. by rail. That's...
  16. T

    Do you care if President Elect Obama has a prayer said at his swearing in?

    I've heard people are protesting.? What about Separation of Church and State? Does a prayer belong in the ceremony although he does swear on the Bible. What is your thoughts on this? Thank you.