
  1. D

    why do some women complain about premature ejaculation?

    as far as i know i don't "prematurely" ejaculate, i'm just curious what are their reasons for complaining? most women are unable to obtain orgasm quickly anyway, from what i've heard most just enjoy the sensation of sexual stimulation, so really what's considered premature if it most likely...
  2. K

    Do you know the best but cheap Book, E-book, or Dvd for premature ejaculation cures?

    Where can i find the best source of information about curing premature ejaculation, dvd, book, or E-book. What is the name of the product and how to get it.
  3. I

    Can I use this technique to control ejaculation if I'm Christian?

    Ok so I recently became of Christian faith but before that I wasn't n I was involved in sex. I suffered from premature ejaculation and so I found a technique that says to stimulate my penis until right before the time of climax and stop n try to control it..is this ok?
  4. J

    Does EAS protein effect semen taste and amount upon ejaculation?

    Hey everyone... i have a problem with the amount of semen i produce. I eat a lot of white meat and fruits and veggies and exercise daily. I lift and run a lot. I take protein on the usual and i was wondering if i up my protein intake in the next few days if it will up the amount of sperm i...
  5. D

    What causes Premature ejaculation and what can be done to cure it?

    I have been with my fiancee for almost 8 years and he has always had a problem with Premature Ejaculation. He lasts anywhere from 20 seconds to 2 minutes. He usually lasts under a minute. This happens every time. He is 25 years old if that matters. We have already tried changing frequency of sex.
  6. Y

    Torrent of Ejaculation Trainer?

    Anyone have a torrent of this? Or does anyone have the book itself I can show you how to torrent it.
  7. B

    What is the most Legit Book, E-book, or Dvd out there for premature ejaculation...

    ...cures? Where can i find the best source of information about curing premature ejaculation, dvd, book, or E-book. What is the name of the product and how to get it.
  8. S

    How can I stop or (at least) delay premature ejaculation?

    I feel extremely nervous of asking this!!! But it has to be done!!! I'm looking to know about ways to stop premature ejaculation every time I'm napping or sleeping and especially any time I wear briefs (or tighty whities)??? It has become that I can't make even the slightest of movements or have...
  9. L

    Love= premature ejaculation?

    He never came quick before. It just happened one day, and when it did, he said " see?" in a "i told u so" kind of way........i was confused about his comment, then i thought back to a couple of weeks b4 when he told me that he didnt want to fall in love. Guys does this happen when ur falling in...
  10. S

    What kind of a doctor should I see about a Premature Ejaculation problem?

    I don't have insurance so I really need to be sent to the right doctor the first time. Is there a pill that they will give me or how can they help me?
  11. K

    What kind of doctor would one see for a problem with Pre Ejaculation?

    My fiance has decided to swallow his pride and go to a dr since we are both being effected by his PE problem. What is the dr called that would be able to help us with such issues?
  12. T

    What is the best cream, gel or spray that prevents premature ejaculation and...

    ...alllows you to have longer sex? suggest products that work for you i dont need vigra but a safe good alternative that works really well
  13. A

    Is it possible to control your ejaculation the same way you control your urine? ?

    I'm just wondering, is it possible to control your ejaculation the same way you control your pee? Because when your peeing you can stop it but when your having an ejaculation if you try to stop it it comes faster.