
  1. J

    What are some songs for an eighth grade basketball warm up C.D.?

    My team is trying to make a C.D. for our warm up before games. We really need suggestions. Anything upbeat please(:
  2. T

    Seventh And Eighth Bases Of DNA Identified By UNC Researchers

    For decades, scientists have known that DNA consists of four basic units - adenine, guanine, thymine and cytosine. Those four bases have been taught in science textbooks and have formed the basis of the growing knowledge regarding how genes code for life. Yet in recent history, scientists have...
  3. G

    Intel's 310 Series SSDs Are an Eighth the Size of Their Predecessors [Ssds]

    SSDs are great, and they're getting smaller all the time. A lot smaller. Intel's teeny new 310 Series SSDs deliver the same performance as the x25s that came before them, but they're just an eighth the size. More »
  4. I

    Eighth Wonder by Lemon Demon? Where can I find it and pay for it?

    I found this cool song by Lemon Demon (Neil Cicierega), on YouTube and I can't find it on iTunes. Help!
  5. J

    Do I still meet subject requirements for UC if i took the course in eighth grade?

    I'm a sophomore right now and I am in Spanish III. I took spanish I in my middle school and i was wondering if i met the recommended three years of language for UC schools. Does my middle school Spanish I course still count for UC credit?
  6. K

    I am in the eighth grade and need to come up with a nativity play with...

    ...appropriate humor. Any suggestions? Its a Catholic school
  7. K

    I am in the eighth grade and need to come up with a nativity play with...

    ...appropriate humor. Any suggestions? Its a Catholic school
  8. L

    Please help me, this is the eighth introduction for my book I have typed....

    ...Please tell me if its good? Ok so I'm a freshman in high school and an aspiring writer. The books going to be called Receiving Magic. Its about a boy and a girl who are receivers; they are human but they can read auras and produce objects with their minds, they are also empaths, so they can...
  9. C

    in an eighth grade locker room...?

    we have 30 kids in class but only 15 shower heads. so the gym teacher makes us share one. The shower is one big room, but has glass dividers with a curtain separating every shower. I really have no problem with this, I don't mind showering with another girl, I was just wondering if they are...