
  1. M

    1 Click to Clean up iTunes Music Library and Repair iTunes Information on Mac

    Did you meet these when using iTunes: Duplicates music in iTunes Music Library, Misspelled Songs, Artists, and Album Details, Blanking album art, musical style and other music information. With Tunes Cleaner for Mac, you can easily delete or remove duplicates music in iTunes, repair misspelled...
  2. R

    How do I copy music to an external hard drive without duplicates of each song?

    I have an external hard drive. Last month I copied my entire Itunes library to it. I have since added some music, and I want to save those songs to the hard drive as well. I have no clue which songs are not yet saved on the hard drive, and I really really do not want to look through the whole...
  3. B

    I keep recieving duplicates, telus phone?

    for a few days i have been receiving the same text message from one phone number. their phone is working fine, so i'm guessing it's a problem with mine. I can still send messages but i won't get any other then from this number, i have gotten around 200 duplicates, help =(
  4. T

    What's a good program to find music file duplicates?

    I'm looking for a program that can find duplicate music not based on name. And if it manages them well that'd be good. Thanks all!
  5. J

    Excel question: How to Mark Duplicates in Sequence?

    Sorry, i don't know how to word this so here's an example... I want to count the number of duplicates of a particular value within a range, but i want them to be numbered according to when they appear in the range, so for example, here are some sample values James Bob James James I know how...
  6. L

    Why is my internet connection creating duplicates?

    In the connect to network window my wifi connection, for some reason, is creating 16 of itself. Such as James, James 2, James 2 3, James 2 3 4, etc. all the way up to 16. Does anyone know what is causing this?