
  1. S

    Should I uninvite her from a vacation after she has dumped?

    I've been dating this girl for some time,i am attracted to her but basically we argue more often than not. It has been going on for about 8 months and it follows this pattern:we see each other, i treat her nicely because she is my girlfriend,everything goes well after wich she will start...
  2. C

    He dumped me over text... still has my dvd and I miss him?

    I had a feeling this was coming.... He started to blame everything on me.... Basically told me I can't do better than cheaters and how he found someone better. And it all started because I didn't reply back to his text message. I am a shy person so I hardly ever held his hand first. We held...
  3. C

    How do you cope with being dumped or cheated on or when someone has no more...

    ...interest in you? I want to prepare myself for this day as it has happend to me before in the past. The divorce rate is like 60-70 percent so I know the chances. What do I do when the pain is to unbarriable and and I find out we are no loger together?
  4. D

    Dumped by text. Am I right to tell this girl to go and take a hike?

    My ex dumped me by text last week. That was in the evening that, on that very same morning, she initiated sex :S If I did that to a girl, I'd fully expect (and deserve I believe) to at least have her call me to scream names at me down the phone. Now she says she wants to be friends and I've...
  5. G

    What does a dumped bike mean?

    What does a dumped bike mean??? I'm thinking of buying a sport bike in the future and was trying to learn some thing. when i search for bike some use the term. im guessing it has to do with the bike landing on its side but im not sure. Thanks
  6. D

    Boyfriend dumped me by email yesterday morning, now wants to meet?

    So he text me earlier to 'find out how I was' , to tell me he still doesn't know what he feels, and to ask if we can meet to talk in the week. Considering he dumped me by email this morning I am trying to make sense of it all. What do you think is his reason for wanting to meet? To collect a few...
  7. B

    My girlfriend dumped me because she caught me laughing with another girl?

    I was talking to this girl in the school cafeteria and I dropped my money onto the floor, she helped me pick it up and we accidentally banged our heads together, we then had a laugh about it and my girlfriend saw both of us together (like it was something else) and walked out. I later caught up...
  8. J

    Is it "Normal" to be dumped off the back of a snowmobile?

    My boyfriend accidentally dumped me off the back of a snowmobile to avoid hitting a stop sign. He did not ask me if I was ok. Is this normal? Am I just freaking out for nothing? He later told me "It was normal to fall off a snowmobile...just like it is normal to fall when you are skiiing"...
  9. N

    Why do self-declared nice guys always whine of getting dumped for someone

    they think are jerks? But I never hear a nice girl whine about the same thing. There are many "nice" girls I see out there, single. The plain Janes as some people call them, but I never heard even one of them complain about being rejected for being so nice.
  10. M

    just got dumped. 2 years. need a guy to meet with. not for sex. for chat.?

    yes ok. im emo atm. very emo. i live in sydney. any guys who can travel to just hang. let me know. very bored. very upset. happened last night and this morning. regret not going out. now i am indeed bored. this is so random of me. was invited out however said no. now im alone. not good. not...
  11. B

    how do you get an ex back you accidentally dumped?

    i thought she was gonna dump me bhut she wasn't and she wont forgive me for dumping her
  12. S

    what would you do... if someone dumped a bike in your yard?

    1. keep it 2. sell it 3. sell it as scrap (aluminum = $$)
  13. A

    ahh bf just dumped me? (10 points!)?

    well me and my bf went out for 9 months. and he broke up with me on sunday. im so devestated. he was my best friend and my boyfriend and now i dont have either one. he just said that he didnt like me anymore and that it just wasnt working between us but he wanted to stay friends and still hang...
  14. D

    Got dumped over the internet?

    I got dumped over the internet last night what should I do to get revenge? and yes I do know that revenge is childish but this is the second time this year he has done that to me and I want to get revenge to show him how much he hurt me. so what should I do? Additional Details I don't...
  15. K

    Poll - To be dumped or be the dumper?

    How did it go in your last relationship?
  16. S

    Theres a rumor and My Boyfriend Dumped me Because of it.?

    Well See i Have been Dating this Dude and Theres a rumor that i kissed a girl Which i dident And He dumped me And I have yelled at him but he doesent belive me and Hit Him I totally regret that but he wont Say a word to me Wont even look at me now What do i do? To aleast be his friend again...
  17. S

    Should maybe the Gitmo Prisoners going to be dumped in Hollywood, seeing how...

    ...they all wanted Obama in power? Now they should deal with all the leftovers?
  18. I

    I got dumped a few days ago, people keep telling me there are more fish in

    the sea; I just need reassuranc? So my boyfriend dumped me a couple days ago. I'm trying really hard to get over it because it's no fun being hurt like this and I just want to be happy. I'm having a hard enough time with that. I'm doing everything everyone says to do. I've been hanging out...
  19. S

    whenever im dumped by a boyfriend, I start to get intense celebrity...

    ...crushes...why is this? And because music is a huge part of my life, the objects of my crushes are always music icons. Ive liked Syd Barrett, pink floyd Jim Morrison, the doors and now its Marilyn Manson I wouldnt say they're intense, like an actual crush, but I would say that I do think...