
  1. L

    Call from DOTCOM courier company ... Fishy?

    I am getting this phone call from a strange unknown courier company called DOT COM COURIERS, they say I have a courier in some person's name i don't know about, his phone is not reachable and as I am his reference (they say) they have my proper Address but in his name for Shipping. Most...
  2. G

    Kim Dotcom Wrote a Dance Track and Apparently Has a Whole Album

    Not content to just launch an encrypted file-sharing site, get stranded in the middle of nowhere, or claim to have the patent for two-step authentication, Internet dude Kim Dotcom is also apparently coming out with an album of dance music? Yeah. Read more...
  3. N

    Who can tell me name of Dot-com bubble movie? Or any other interesting movie on

    IT topic.? I would appreciate your help in finding this movie. And it would be great to get know from you some other interesting documentary movies on IT topics. Thanks! :)
  4. G

    Kim Dotcom: Joe Biden Ordered the Megaupload Shutdown [Megaupload]

    Kim Dotcom has come out explaining that he knows who was behind the shutdown of his company and related sites. Speaking to TorrentFreak, Dotcom has explained that he believes Vice President Joe Biden directed attorney Neil MacBride to target the site. More »
  5. G

    Kim Dotcom: The US Government is Wrong, Here’s Why [Megaupload]

    For the first time since his arrest in January, Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom is responding to allegations in what he calls the "MPAA-sponsored" indictment. Eager to fight back, Dotcom refutes several "nonsense" claims made by the Government. In addition, he shows that Mega wasn't a big bad...