
  1. B

    Best Zombies Gun Black Ops ? Tips ? on dodging. For a bet.?

    I have gotten to level 21. I want to go farther. I need better dodging skills and faster ways to kill. I know head-shots, grenades, grenades, the drink , upgrades , traps, and the box. Or did I just list them all ? I want to get farther. Or maybe im just really bad at it ?
  2. W

    What do you think of this question about tax dodging?

    Tax dodgers and accountants who help them MUST be put in prison and have their wealth taken away. I thought the question was simple enough, but it seems that some here simply ignore it, read into it or question it. The fiddlers on their yachts would love a few of you who simply turn a blind eye...
  3. R

    Any Thoughts on rules for dodging magic spells in Basic Roleplaying (BRP)?

    I'm a GM of Chaosium's Basic Roleplaying for a little over a year. We've finally gotten around to a fantasy themed game set in Middle Earth where magic is common. But we've got a problem. The Big Gold Rulebook says virtually nothing about dodging spells. Specifically, whether the dodge skill...
  4. T

    Why do conservatives support dodging any responsibility of paying for the privilege

    of living in this country? They became rich either through inheriting money - not working, or by hundreds of people working their butts off for them. Texas libertarian - Edit: Hundreds of FOREIGN WORKERS slaving their butts off. Now how about you stop dodging and answer the freakin' question?
  5. S

    Donald Rumsfeld is "Ducking and Weaving and Dodging Responsibility” in New Book?

    Bob Woodward, the longtime chronicler of Washington’s inner workings, has a scathing assessment of Donald Rumsfeld’s new memoir, writing Tuesday morning that by “ducking and weaving and dodging responsibility” in the book, the former defense secretary has exemplified “much of what is worst in...
  6. S

    Donald Rumsfeld is "Ducking and Weaving and Dodging Responsibility” in New Book?

    Bob Woodward, the longtime chronicler of Washington’s inner workings, has a scathing assessment of Donald Rumsfeld’s new memoir, writing Tuesday morning that by “ducking and weaving and dodging responsibility” in the book, the former defense secretary has exemplified “much of what is worst in...
  7. S

    Donald Rumsfeld is "Ducking and Weaving and Dodging Responsibility” in New Book?

    Bob Woodward, the longtime chronicler of Washington’s inner workings, has a scathing assessment of Donald Rumsfeld’s new memoir, writing Tuesday morning that by “ducking and weaving and dodging responsibility” in the book, the former defense secretary has exemplified “much of what is worst in...
  8. B

    Bob Woodward Says Donald Rumsfeld is "Ducking and Weaving and Dodging...

    ...Responsibility”? Bob Woodward, the longtime chronicler of Washington’s inner workings, has a scathing assessment of Donald Rumsfeld’s new memoir, writing Tuesday morning that by “ducking and weaving and dodging responsibility” in the book, the former defense secretary has exemplified “much of...
  9. B

    Bob Woodward Says Donald Rumsfeld is "Ducking and Weaving and Dodging...

    ...Responsibility”? Bob Woodward, the longtime chronicler of Washington’s inner workings, has a scathing assessment of Donald Rumsfeld’s new memoir, writing Tuesday morning that by “ducking and weaving and dodging responsibility” in the book, the former defense secretary has exemplified “much of...
  10. E

    Tips on dodging lazer guns? How to avoid getting hit?

    I am going to a place with my friends where we have to wear armor that can detect the lazer guns that we will all be holding. There will be two teams and we're supposed to aim the lazer at their armor of the opposition team. There will be a tally that shows the number of hits that we got. There...
  11. S

    How do I know if someone on mobile is dodging my messages?

    If someone online mobile dosn't reply for like more than 5 minutes, does that mean they just don't want to, or they don't see the messages??
  12. M

    Dodging credit card fees when you travel

    [No message]
  13. D

    How can i get better at dodging and be more elusive?

    i have pretty good hands and alright head movement.i wanna become more elusive becuz i dont have the greatest chin in the world...what are some drills or tips i can do?
  14. P

    When Rangel/Obama Brings back the draft the draft, will you be dodging it proudly... me? I recommend you do? here are the following reasons why I would be dodging the draft, I recommend you all do the same. 1.I am not a murderer, baby killer or paid hit-man for anybody even the government 2. I don't have to answer to obama or anybody else but myself, who is a few jerks...
  15. R

    If a girl keeps dodging a guy, why does the guy confront instead of walk away?

    When you are interested in a girl, you call and call and call but she never picks up. When she sees you, she dodges. When you message her, she never replies. For those who would choose to confront her and ask her why she does that you ------ Why would you choose to ask her? What is going...
  16. W

    Draft dodging in Vietnam?

    I have to do a project on draft dodging during the Vietnam war and i was wondering if anyone could just throw some topics out there to get me started or some basic facts and info. I'm having some troulbe all i really know is that they fled to Canada and i cant find anything on the web.
  17. D

    After Obama/Rangel brings back the Draft, Who will be dodging with me?

    Why? Would you turn me in? here are the following reasons why people I would be dodging the draft, I recommend you all do the same. 1. I am not a murderer, baby killer or paid hit-man for anybody even the government 2. I don't have to answer to obama or anybody else but myself, who is a few...
  18. P

    How much dodging and burning was done on this Kennedy inauguration photo? Would a "Photoshopper" be criticized for doing that much to an image and not getting it "right in the camera"?
  19. C

    Damn, after many months of dodging them...?

    if you dont want us there, ask to be put on the 'do not call' list if you really dont want to listen thats your choice and yeah, a dog is my weakness XD muffypuppybaby - just ask next time :)