
  1. C

    Do ebook reads/ ebook tablets distract you from reading?

    http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/05/business/media/e-books-on-tablets-fight-digital-distractions.html?_r=2&pagewanted=2&partner=rss&emc=rss Litopia had linked to this question on twitter I found it interesting
  2. T

    How did Adrian/Kyle distract Lindy's kidnapper in the book 'Beastly'?

    I'm doing an English project for this book and i forgot my book at school. Well anyway i just forgot how this part goes. If someone can tell me i would really appreciate it. Thank you
  3. G

    how do you find a verizon wireless distract manager's phone number?

    I have had problems with a customer service rep who billed me wrong, then got himself fired, then the manager couldn't fix it so i got stuck with a 300.00 bill, billing department (different verizon store) told me to threaten the store to drop their service, then their store told me to threaten...
  4. L

    Is Jim Quinn right that Sherrod was a "set-up to distract people from the

    hideous stuff" being done by Obama? http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/201007260045
  5. A

    If a 12 year old or 11 year old has a cellphone will it distract them from their...

    ...grades school etc? can u give your sources 2 thxs!
  6. A

    why do christians allow abortion and gay marriage to distract them for

    The male and woman have to be together to have a child. God tells us in the Bible to multiply and fill the earth and the only way you can do this is by being with a woman. Christians have to speak out in order to save people, that is what we were made for.
  7. I

    What do you think the real issue is that the saviour is trying to distract...

    ...our attention from by whining about? the AIG bonuses provided for by legal contracts?
  8. D

    Is all the Lincoln coverage to distract people from the $800 B dollar stink...

    ...bomb being negotiated by Congress? It's like the news networks think talking about Lincoln is more important than keeping tabs on what Congress is doing.