
  1. J

    What acid can dissolve an iPhone 5?

    Please don't ask me stupid questions like why. I just want to know. If somebody were to throw an iPhone 5 in cup of acid, what acid would literally obliterate the iPhone 5? Thanks.
  2. N

    Should President Obama be given the power to dissolve Congress and rule by

    personal fiat? Congress doesn't do anything anyway. They've usurped too much authority from the executive branch, thereby hamstringing government. If Congress fails to pass a budget, Obama should have the prerogative to get his desired budget then implemented as a last resort.
  3. B

    Can you simply dissolve a pill in normal saline and introduce it through an iv?

    Im talking about promethezine and if you can dissolve it and feed it through an iv? or any pill for that maater?