
  1. A

    Why did Jesus = not peace = dis-comfort have to go away for Christ = peace = comfort

    to come? Eg: John 16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. Hint: Jesus = division, not peace = dis-comfort = Law. Christ = peace, not division = comfort...
  2. A

    My throat discomfort?

    Hey, Im a 21 year old female and for a bout a week or so ive had my Lymph Nodes around my throat, around my ear and under my left arm pitt hurt. Now my throat is extremely dry and i drink tons on water, It also feels slightly swollen, there is slight discomfort and very little burning sensation...
  3. D

    My dog just ate a toothpick, she's not choking or showing any sign of discomfort but?

    can anything happen from the sharpness? i called the vet and they just said to feed her and bulk it up to make it pass easier but what can happen in the meantime? will the toothpick do anything to her insides? is it true they don't show symptoms of it harming her until its too late? i also...
  4. C

    Why do authors create discomfort with humor?

    I'm just curious. I was reading an article. It was really humorous but then went into talking about the death penalty, and then back to being humorous. My question is, what is the reason for this? Is it just to get a point across? I mean, what was the humor for?
  5. R

    Discomfort while holding cell phone?

    when I hold a cell phone for a few minutes or so I will get pain in my hand and tingly feeling down my arm. Same thing if I have it in pocket. I've tried all wireless providers and it's the same. Has anyone experienced something similar? Thanks for any replies!
  6. T

    New SPECT Nuclear Cardiology Camera Reduces Time, Discomfort, And Radiation Exposure

    The Mount Sinai Medical Center has become the first in the United States to commercially use a new cardiac nuclear imaging system by GE Healthcare, a cadmium zinc telluride (CZT)-based high-speed, high-resolution camera that drastically reduces imaging time for patients while also reducing...
  7. M

    Q&A: Easing the discomfort of akathisia?

    [No message]
  8. J

    discomfort in shoulder / collar bone?

    ok so a couple days ago I got checked in hockey & landed on my right shoulder, & when i landed on it I got a pain in my collar bone, and since then I have had discomfort in my shoulder / collar bone...if anyone has an idea of what I could have done please let me know thanks !
  9. H

    Discomfort in lest testes please help!?

    I got kicked in the testes, left one to be exact. Now like 5 days later I am getting these discomforts in what seems to be the bottom of my testes or spermicidal cord. i am 15 years old please help