
  1. E

    Carbon Dioxide levels are about to reach 400 ppm. How do we reverse the trend?

    What should we do before Global Warming is out of control? See http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-04-30/up-up-and-away-scientists-anxious-as-co2-levels-to-cross-400-ppm.html
  2. G

    Michele Bachmann on Carbon Dioxide.

    "Carbon dioxide is natural, it is not harmful, it is a part of Earth's lifecycle. And yet we're being told that we have to reduce this natural substance, reduce the American standard of living, to create an arbitrary reduction in something that is naturally occuring in Earth." Read the...
  3. G

    Study Links Fresh Mars Gullies to Carbon Dioxide

    View image The gullies on a Martian sand dune in this trio of images from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter deceptively resemble features on Earth that are carved by streams of water. However, these gullies likely owe their existence to entirely different geological processes apparently...
  4. G

    How does Carbon Dioxide travel in water?

    plz help i need to know how carbon dioxide travels in water
  5. D

    Does Venus contain liquid Carbon Dioxide?

    I know that Venus' atmosphere is composed of 96.5% Carbon Dioxide and some Nitrogen, plus its gravitational pull is x92 that of Earth, so does it cotain liquid Carbon Dioxide? Does it contain any other liquid mediums? Thank You for your help.
  6. A

    what does low carbon dioxide mean a a blood result?

    normal range is 21-33 mmol/L and mines is 12