
  1. A

    how to diminish marionette lines with house recipes?

    should I masage my face with oils or smth
  2. S

    Is there a fitness regimen that will get rid of or at least diminish the appearance

    of stretch marks? I have loose skins and stretch marks on my legs from losing weight the wrong way and want to change the way my legs looks. Any advice??
  3. M

    Why does the sound diminish when i plug in blackberry headphones into my nokia?

    There's also static noise and the funny thing is...When I hold the button on it...The noise stops and it returns back to normal. These headphones with the button on the bottom half of the picture...
  4. S

    do you think world cup popularity will diminish slowly?

    so many cruel incident in one tournament. Uruguay are not semifinalist. they should leave or get bashed up by Holland.
  5. H

    If i leave my iphone on the charger while i use it..will it diminish the...

    ...battery life? My bro has a laptop that he just leaves plugged in all the time and the battery life is terrible (20mins for just web surfing). Will that happen to my iphone if i leave it plugged in while listening to Pandora or whatever else i may be doing?
  6. marnefirstinfantry

    Does the A-Rod admission of taking steroids diminish the sport of baseball and

    A-Rod's chances for the H.O.F.? Should A-Rod be allowed to continue playing baseball and is the baseball Commissioner's Office ineffective. And, what does it all say about Baseball Players Association Head Donald Ferr? A-Rod Confession Brings Scum to Head Posted Feb 10th 2009 12:20 AM by Jay...