
  1. T

    Vietnamese Mothers Whistle Away The Need For Diapers

    Western babies are potty trained later these days and need diapers until an average of three years of age. But even infants can be potty trained. A study by researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, followed 47 infants and their mothers in Vietnam - where potty...
  2. M

    Save $2000 on diapers

    [No message]
  3. G

    Rachel Zoe: Dirty Diapers Are Amazing?!

    Fashionista Rachel Zoe knows her trends. And according to her, the best accessory she's ever sported is her 4-month-old baby boy, Skyler. "He's everything. He's...
  4. georgelopez

    Does god wear diapers?

    just wondering...
  5. G

    Did somebody call for a nanny to change the diapers off of these

    gender-whining babies? Waah, waah, I can't getta date cause girls don like meeeh! Boo women! Waah, waah, I can't get men to notice meeh even when i pull ma hoochie shorts up too high! Booo men! Have no fear, I bought two suit-case full of Depends.
  6. J

    my mom bought diapers for me on vacation she said just in case what should i do?

    i just turned 12 wet my pants on vacation last year (only 1 time beacuse i didnt have time to get to the bathroom) P.S. if she wants me to wear the diaper should i have wet my pants before when sleeping in the car an plane and also i wet my bed but not alot she says she wants me to wear them...
  7. T

    I'm going to start babysitting soon, can I wear gloves to change diapers?

    Other peoples poop just sort of grosses me out.
  8. G

    Moms who use cloth diapers. How do you travel?

    We will be traveling to Disney World for 10 days in April, by then our son will be 10 months old. We love using cloth and rarely use disposable diapers. How much of a pain is it going to be to travel with cloth diapers? There will be access to a washing machine while there, however, I do...
  9. M

    Will showing a picture of my son in his diapers help him stop bedwetting?

    My son is almost a teenager and still wets his bed. He wears nighttime protection for it. I threatened to make him sit for a picture in just his nighttime protection if he didn't stop wetting, but he kept wetting. So I've posted his picture (it's here as my profile). I know that the new age...
  10. M

    How can I make my 10 year old epileptic son feel better about wearing diapers?

    My son still has a seizure about once a day (less than before, thank God) and loses all control over his bladder and bowels. We moved to a new area. No one there knows that he wears a diaper and I think he wants to keep it that way. So he refuses to play sports or do anything else where the...