
  1. A

    The real ?Linsanity? has a dark past ? and a devious future

    The alleged "Worldwide Leader In Sports" woke up Saturday morning, only to find that it needed to wash an entire farmhouse full of eggs off its big, dumb face. ESPN's epic and well-discussed faux pas -- putting a "Chink in the Armor" headline on a story about New York Knicks point guard Jeremy...
  2. T

    So I have this half cooked, potentially slightly devious plan. Are you in?

    Granted, I like to say "you listen to me, you live longer", but half the time I'm flying by the seat of my pants. Still... whaddaya say?
  3. S

    Who's that lounging in my chair? Casting devious stares in my direction?

    Sex and Candy? Imma beat them half to death for sittin' in my chair!
  4. F

    What do you think of Ben Stein? Nice guy or devious Republican?

    Ben comes across as an engaging fellow with a unique personality but he did suck up to GW Bush like nobody else at the 2004 GOP convention. To his credit he started to savage Bush after Katrina and his failiure to make any progress in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  5. C

    Girls, i want my ex to believe this, is it devious of me?

    my ex really put me through a lot of crap and i want payback. she told me in a message that she was sorry and wanted me to forgive her. i sent her a message saying i would try. i let 3 months pass since and i wrote a message saying i was in town. she took that as i have forgiven her and she sent...