
  1. B

    Does unplugging the charger from mobile before it's full destroys the battery ?

    I have a Samsung Galaxy S3 and lots of times my battery is still at 50% or something and I have to leave and take the phone with me. So does removing it from the charger could destroy the battery ?
  2. G

    Anonymous Destroys Israel By Taking Down Hundreds of Websites and Leaking Emails and

    It looks like Anonymous followed up with its threat of digitally attacking Israel for taking military action in the Gaza strip. They've knocked down websites, deleted databases and have leaked e-mail addresses and passwords. It's a whopping takedown. More »
  3. S

    If someone believed in the existence of a god that destroys all empirical...

    ...evidence for its existence? Then asking for empirical evidence for that type of god would be a funny joke. Maybe not as funny as everyone believing in a spaghetti monster that does the same. Letting your world view be controlled or at least effected by emotions seems human if you ask me...
  4. G

    DaisyDisk Searches and Destroys Large Files In the Prettiest of Ways [Downloads]

    Deleting files and sorting out disk-space is one of those tasks most people dread, so I can definitely appreciate that DaisyDisk has tried making it as fun (and beautiful) as possible. And what better time to download it than now? More »
  5. W

    torrent destroys my OS and HDD?

    how do I do
  6. J

    Atheists: What book would you recommend that destroys Biblical fulfilled prophecies?

    Just curious if anyone has come across any good books that breakdown and destroy Christians claims that Jesus fulfilled Old Testament Prophecies. Thanks
  7. T

    Interventional Radiology Treatment Destroys Colon Cancer Locally, Extends Life

    Approximately half of Americans living with colorectal cancer will develop liver metastases at some point during the course of their disease. Radiofrequency ablation, a minimally invasive treatment that applies heat directly in the tumor causing cancer cell death with minimal associated injury...
  8. G

    Augmented Reality Finger Billboard Prods, Destroys Passersby [Art]

    Chris O'Shea, an artist with latent fantasies about growing into a giant and teasing, then destroying, the people of Liverpool, England, has a new installation! It's a live video billboard that teases, then destroys, the people of Liverpool, England. The piece, titled "Hand from Above," is...
  9. G

    LEGO Mindstorm Ogre Autonomously Detects, Targets, and Destroys Other LEGO Creations

    This is "Ogre," an autonomous, projectile-launching, LEGO block-destroying remote control tank. Ogre could honestly be the first LEGO creation I wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. No minifig is safe this afternoon. Ogre is a "Tank" built around a Zamor launching system nicknamed...
  10. S

    SURVEY: Do You Think The Internet More So Destroys Social Skills Or

    Contributes To It? I do not like engaging in such acts with people I do not know. I've comfortable talking about anything with people I DO know