
  1. T

    Evidence Strengthened That Pancreatic Cancer Is Dependent On ROR

    Kancera reports results from a collaboration with Professor Hakan Mellstedts research group at Karolinska Institute showing that the survival of an aggressive type of human cancer cells from pancreatic cancer is ROR-1 dependent. The results provide further support for the Kancera ROR project...
  2. P

    Do you feel like you are somewhat dependent on your cell phone?

    Do you panic when you leave it at home?
  3. S

    At what point is it considered an unhealthy and dependent relationship?

    I will start out by saying that while I am not against the idea of a monogamous long term relationship, I have seen very few that can be considered healthy. I have a couple of friends who are dating/engaged (complicated story) and have a child together. They live together and have known each...
  4. J

    celebrities who are dependent?

    who depend on someone else
  5. I

    POLL: Are you dependent on wikipedia?

    cause i
  6. S

    student dependent visa?

    dear all, I submitted my for student spouce(dependent) visa application for Australia on September 29, 2010. Once I applied they told me 1 week time and now its 4 months and I dont how long it will take more. I'm much worried about my visa? I gave all the required documents at the time of...
  7. K

    Why are Christians dependent on the bible like a pacifier? Can't we hear God

    for ourselves? Seriously..I am realizing the bible is just a book....However, there is life in what is breathed, but we seem to call the bible God..I wish we'd stop using it as a crutch and depend on the Holy Spirit. It's no different than us depending on books like other says...
  8. D

    Should it be in the interest of one or both parties to make more ppl dependent on...'t? Since the US was founded on the idea that big gov't is always oppressive? "I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive".-Thomas Jefferson "Most bad government has grown out of too much government".-Thomas Jefferson "Were we directed from Washington when...
  9. L

    Can a dependent travel with Kanton rigistration acknowledgement?

    While registering at the Kanton, we get a registration acknowledgement certificate and it takes 2 weeks to get residence permit after this. So can a dependent travel to Schengen countries with this registration acknowledgement certificate and Schengen visa? I already have a residence permit and...
  10. J

    Do all people generally become more 'chemically dependent' (alcohol, drugs,...

    ...smoking) with age? I know people getting addicted to caffeine, and these are the most goody goody people.
  11. J

    Do all people generally become more 'chemically dependent' (alcohol, drugs,

    smoking) with age? I know people getting addicted to caffeine, and these are the most goody goody people.
  12. J

    Do all people generally become more 'chemically dependent' (alcohol, drugs,

    smoking) with age? I know people getting addicted to caffeine, and these are the most goody goody people.
  13. T

    Does our computers and cellphones and communications gadgets, dependent on...

    ...satellites that orbits around.? Do these communicatio companies uses different sattelites?
  14. M

    Is sense of Humor dependent on Mood ?

    A good sense of humor is an underlying quality, while moods come & go. But does humor Always Prevail? Why / When ? Dear kenna, isn't/shouldn't humor be an intrinsic quality of an individual [some have it, some don't, few acquire it]. My premise is that if one has a true sense of humor, Nothing...
  15. M

    If it becomes horrifically apparent that ones sense of humor was dependent upon?

    sugar, would said person then have a very good reason to resume sugar know... for the sake of everyone else? I care about you all.x. NO! I'm saying I'm not funny AT ALL! I suck. *cries* *tackles the furry bear for candy*
  16. K

    Assuming Q provides over 50 percent of their support and the dependent meets the

    gross income, relationship? and citizenship tests, which of the following relatives may be claimed as a dependent? a)Widow of Q’s deceased son b)Q’s husband’s brother c)Daughter of Q’s husband’s brother d)Q’s mother’s brother e)Q’s grandmother’s brother f)Q’s great grandson a)a, b and d b)a...
  17. B

    Does spending billions to make America internet dependent make us vulnerable to...

  18. S

    Is there fines for wrongly claiming a dependent on your taxes?

    My Ex claimed our child on his taxes 3 out of the 8 years. This year being the 3rd year. Isn't there anything that the IRS does to these people? The last two times was found in the wrong. I am the custodial parent and with the child about 2/3 of the time. I don't see why the IRS can't flag his...
  19. B

    Have we become too dependent on wireless phones, ipods, pc's etc?

    Have we allowed ourselves too become too dependent on cell phones, pc's, ipods etc etc !
  20. H

    If both parents filed taxes with child as dependent on both and custody... to be shared, what can be done? Custody is supposed to be 50/50 but the mom moved without notice and took the child so now the 50/50 shared physical custody cannot be shared but she is receiving child support. Both parents filed taxes claiming the child. What can be done if one wants to...