
  1. S

    Do you understand that denying your sins only ensures you will lose eternal life?

    Why not simply do what God requires ... confess your sins to Him right now, instead of denying them, recognizing how greatly you have offended His love for you. Ask His forgiveness. He will. Turn from your sins and turn *to* God, trusting Jesus took the punishment your sins deserved on His...
  2. D

    Are religious people silly for denying religion is the same as superstition?

    What’s the difference between religion and superstition? There’s no difference! They are one and the same. Religion is just more organized than superstition; you could say that religion is merely superstition taken to the extreme, right? I mean, a person who thinks that not stepping on cracks in...
  3. E

    Can I claim that denying gay marriage is unconstitutional?

    (My answer to a girl who asked if not allowing gay marriage is discrimination.) "Yes. Christians like to say marriage is religious. Yet, if that were the case then atheists couldn't marry, muslims couldn't marry, etc." "Since marriage is a LEGAL thing, then marriage between 2 adults of the...
  4. I

    is denying the Church of Christ same as denying Christ?

    For example lying to your parents that your going to church instead telling them your going to the park PLEASE try to use scripture Let me rephrase this. A young girl is going to church but her parents are strongly against it, she has been telling them that shes going to the park instead of...
  5. A

    I'm a lesbian, I hate it, I keep denying it, but I can't keep doing it, im so...

    ...confused? Im 15, ive known for quite some time, and i HATE it, i don't want to be, i just want to get a job, get married and have kids, but i can't do that, obviously, is there anyone i can talk to? I just want some help & guidance. thank you very much for the help :) I didn't mean doing it...
  6. L

    Do Conservative think denying facts and reality makes them smarter than...

    ...everybody else? That would be the easy path if it worked.
  7. L

    Do Conservative think denying facts and reality makes them smarter than...

    ...everybody else? That would be the easy path if it worked.
  8. L

    Do Conservative think denying facts and reality makes them smarter than...

    ...everybody else? That would be the easy path if it worked.
  9. F

    HELP! my warranty group is denying my claim 4 a transmission on a BMW! can they... that? OK I really, really need some help on this! I purchased a 2004 BMW 530i one month ago. At the time the car had right at 51,000 miles on it. I purchased the extendid warranty because BMW only covers the first 50,000 miles. The same night the transmission light came on I freaked out! I...
  10. J

    Is atheism connected to religion in that it is denying a conncept established by...

    ...religion? Would a true non-beliver just not think about the concept of god?
  11. L

    Do you think Richard Williamson should be criticized for denying gas chambers

    existed? There was evidence to prove that the gas chambers did not exist, they looked at old blue prints, both american and german and found that structurally it would of been impossible for there to have been gas chambers at Auschwitz not only that, they have tested the soil theree and found...
  12. L

    I have confronted my husband about pink hair found in his truck and he is denying...

    ...any wrong doing. Now what? Husband is an over the road truck driver and I found mass quantities of pink hair in his sheets and clothing. When confronted he blew a gasket, turned the whole thing around on me and stormed out of the house, saying he has had enough of my s --t.