
  1. K

    any manga with a delinquent who falls in loves or a person falls in love with a

    delinquent? I love manga where a delinquent falls in love or a person falls in love with a delinquent! Like A girl is the goody two shoes but then she meet a delinquent boy and falls in love with him but they're not allowed to be together! Something like that!!! Or the two people are secretly...
  2. J

    Do you have these trucks in America for removing delinquent vehicles?

    Over here in London England, cars are not actually towed away. A special flatbed truck shows up with special equipment on the back to lift the car up from the ground and carefully place it on the truck, where it is secured before before being taken away. Mostly used for serious parking...
  3. T

    What manga has a delinquent yankee girl transfer to a rich elite school to be a

    like a princess? The manga begins with the delinquent / yankee girl being kicked out of a school and talking with her uncle who suggests she go to a school (that is owned by her grandfather) to be a hime. She goes and she seems (appearance wise) made for the position of being the student council...
  4. D

    The name of a manga where a delinquent is turned into a dog after a...

    ...motorcycle accident.? He has to commit good deeds(I think around 500?) before he gets transformed back into human.
  5. M

    Delinquent account on samsung instinct (best answer 10pts)?

    My friend got a mint condition Samsung instinct from a her bf that he bought from someone else. When we head to the sprint store to connect it, they said they couldn't do it because it is under a delinquent account (meaning the person wasn't finish paying off the bill) so now, what can she do to...