
  1. Z

    Am deeply interested in modelling?

    I have modeled once or twice and I really enjoyed it. I even dont mind sitting for hours in a chair while your hair gets fiddeled with ( not that I have much hair) and your makeup gets done up. I love walking in the humungous shoes and nice outfits. Do you think I should pursue my interest in...
  2. J

    I need 10 adjectives that can deeply describe baseball.?

    not the baseball the ball, baseball the game :] thank you :D
  3. G

    Most Americans are deeply ignorant about religion.

    Except Atheists and Jews. They know stuff. Watch Penn Jillette take a quiz on religion: I love this quote: "I gave my daughter a bible. That's how you make atheists." Read the comments on this post... More...
  4. R

    Whose a Better singer for the song truly madly deeply and why?

    either savage garden or cascada me i think savage garden as i dont like cascada that much except for eveacuate the dance floor but im mor in for the slower version
  5. K

    Poll: Obsessed lightly or deeply?

    Which 1 r u? y?
  6. N

    Deeply profound headline...?

    This literally made my jaw drop, if this is not the ULTIMATE example of despair and frustration, I do not know what is... What are your thoughts ? Lucille - exactly, this is point blank, cold and straight...
  7. N

    Deeply profound headline...?

    This literally made my jaw drop, if this is not the ULTIMATE example of despair and frustration, I do not know what is... What are your thoughts ? Lucille - exactly, this is point blank, cold and straight...
  8. K

    How deeply is sexual orientation discussed in a college Human Sexuality course?

    I understand that the class is the study of sexual behavior. Is sexual orientation talked about a lot in this class or is it simply mentioned?
  9. H

    To deeply religious people who practice religion - would you date someone...

    ...outside your faith? For example if you are deeply Jewish would you date a Christian and if you are a Christian would you date/marry a Jew? I tend to believe that those who are willing or do date outside their faith are not in fact religious, it's all show with no real substance.
  10. S

    Is it me, or is religion deeply grounded in that humans are incredibly narcissistic?

    Humans are always looking for images of themselves in things, "That plug looks like a face". Humans always assume that they are exceptional, "God wanted me to be President". Humans always assume that we are on top of every other species, but nothing could be further from the truth by any measure...
  11. E

    How do I find deeply hidden files in an SD card.?

    I have a Cannon g9 with an 8gb sdhc card which has a large amount of video files uploaded onto it. I was planning on using the SD card simply as a thumb drive to transport some files from one computer to another, but when I go into the folders in the card, nothing shows up. My computer sees...
  12. P

    Do you find the Tellytubbies deeply sinister?

    is it just the BBC's way of preparing our young for ultimate mind control? the government is already planning to have access to all our emails, texts, calls and visits to internet sites recorded and saved for a year, the idea of us all having little antennae sticking out of the top of our...
  13. Z

    Whenever I breathe in deeply the right side of my neck hurts?

    I also feel that it is difficult to breathe, maybe it is just because of the pain. The pain feels muscular...but almost like a chest cold too...BUT it is in my neck on the right side... I just had the flu...or food poisoning (if this helps at all) I had a fever... I may have slept on it wrong...
  14. K

    it must b very sad when a gay guy falls deeply in love with a straight guy?

    ive been there and its like a knife stabbin through ur heart i fell in luv wid a latin guy, i mean every 1 always say latinos r the best lookin people, but thats not the reason why i fell in luv wid him,i liked everything about him, i know its not even possible, im almost 20 and neva been wid...