
  1. T

    Deeper with Austin Corini - Oct 09,2012

    We here at Dreamers Radio are huge promoters of anything music. So when we had the chance to interview Austin Corini from X Factor USA, we jumped at the chance. Join your host Lizzy as she chats with Austin to find out more about his musical past and his experiences with one of our favorite...
  2. D

    Jews and there deeper revelations in God's precious Law?

    for Jews..God's Law is summed up in Hillel the Elder's golden rule. For's Matthew 7:12.. Both essentially is the same as Leviticus 19:18. Anyway, is there a deeper, sublime meaning? "Do to others as you would have them do to you...."
  3. T

    Deeper Insight Into Gene Regulation Will Be Provided By Novel DNA Sequencer For MDC's

    The Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology (BIMSB) of the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) in Berlin, Germany, will be the first academic research institution in Continental Europe to acquire a novel DNA sequencer enabling the sequencing of single DNA molecules in real...
  4. M

    Future Entertainment? Thoughts? Definitely on a deeper level. lol?

    My Thoughts: Life is Entertainment Movies & Video Games why do we like to watch movies that are based off of the whole spectrum of experiences & emotions? Even if they are super fucked up!? Because that's what I believe life is. It's a cycle of Entertainment with information that is taught and...
  5. A

    POLL: What songs have a deeper meaning than they seem?

    this mostly applies to pop music seeing as these are the ones that are apparently the most superficial.. rap and such are more direct.for example, kelly clarkson's song, because of you, seems to be about love, but if u watch the video or critically analyze the lyrics you'll know it's about her...
  6. J

    Atheists: do you like to argue for the sake of arguing, or something deeper?

    You're a system of perspective. You're a matrix of Perspective. There are an eternity of eternities.
  7. L

    what is austens deeper point about pride in pride and prejudice?

    i need answers fast!!!
  8. J

    Good mystery books? Has anyone read deeper than the dead by tami hoag?

    I absolutely loved this book with the drama, murders, and romance. If you have read this book can you please nme some other books that are similar to this book or good mystery books please thank you!
  9. K

    is there a deeper meaning behind the movie eraserhead?

    i watched the movie and it made me sick, confused, and annoyed. I was just wondering why critics loved it? And also wondered it there was a deeper meaning like a picture, in a picture sort of thing.
  10. J

    How can you make your voice deeper?

    I'm a 14 year old boy and very developed for my age, i am also pretty sure my voice has fully broke but i am no expert which is why i'm asking. I have a reasonably deep voice anyway but i was wondering if there is a way of willingly making it even deeper, any suggestions?
  11. G

    VA-Deep Vol 4 - The Deeper Side Of House Music-(HIFICOMP017)-WEB-2010-wWs

    Category: Music-MP3 (House) Size: 364.64 MB Files: 32 (8 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Mon May 3rd 07:32:19 UTC Download NZB
  12. G

    VA-Deep Vol 4 - The Deeper Side Of House Music-(HIFICOMP017)-WEB-2010-wWs

    Category: Music-MP3 (House) Size: 364.64 MB Files: 32 (8 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Mon May 3rd 07:32:19 UTC Download NZB
  13. J

    The rivalry is gonna grow even deeper starting Monday. Predictions for Suns-Spurs...

    ...series? Who wins, how many games, and why?
  14. P

    If I scream into a pillow over a period of time will it make my voice deeper

    and slightly husky when singing? Just curious, will it? I know it will damage my throat but seriously will it? im female, and have a stupid High pitched voice that no one takes seriously, seriosuly please give me advice itd be greatly appreciated (Or just screaming in general)
  15. S

    Is Buddhism and eastern religion a deeper spiritual experience than western...

    ...Christianity? Notice how they dress for worship in suits. Yoga and eastern mysticism has to do with the harmony of BODY, MIND AND SPIRIT, not just the mind (which Christianity caters to). Thomas Merton, a Catholic monk said, after meeting the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Buddhists: They have gone...
  16. P

    Everytime I breathe in, my throat tickles like hell and wont let me breathe deeper.?

    The only thing I have done lately is smoked. And it feels like everytime I try to breathe in, it stops me and makes me cough a lot. WHAT DO I DO? Please tell me.
  17. W

    Which one plays a deeper role in Racism ... Religion or Science ?

    According to most Religion, God created all human beings. Therefore assumes that every race is important and equal in the eyes of God. Science argues that human beings are created by a natural process of selection. The strong survive, while the weak perish. This logic implies that certain...
  18. M

    singing deeper and screaming?

    Lol.Yeah it can damage your throat and give you headaches.My boyfriend was in a metal band.Aiden sucks.