
  1. H

    is verizon replacing lg dares?

    ive had an lg dare for about a year and a half now and the camera on it has been broken since the summer. one of my friends told me they used to have the dare too but they brought it in the store and verizon replaced it with a new, different phone because they dont make the dare anymore. any...
  2. XavierGarneau

    does anyone have ideas for some nude dares i could give to myself while on vacation?

    i am 16 and i am a pretty muscular guy. i am turned on by nudity and i would like to have ideas for dares like for example: taking off my bathing suit in the pool or going tanning on a nude beach
  3. M

    Funny Dares To Do In Town?

    Okay,so me & my friends are going into town,and we're doing this vlog thing where we film what we do. What are some good dares for us to do,that arent illegal or anything but still funny :) eg.the lying down game Thanks! <3 PS I apologize if this is the wrong category,but I had no idea where to...
  4. T

    Obama Dares Republicans To Attempt Health Bill Repeal

    President Barack Obama went to Iowa City, where he first outlined his plans for health care reform as a candidate, to campaign for public support for the new health overhaul law, USA Today reports. "Obama dared congressional Republicans today to campaign for repeal of the new health care law...
  5. C

    What are some crazy/funny dares me and my mates can do?

    We are doing a scavanger hunt :)
  6. W

    any good dares for three boys non dirty i can only find dirty on the internet help?

    we dont mind pain or fear lol
  7. T

    Cool dares on the internet?

    me and my friend are having a sleepover. and we r playing dares? cool and funny dares plz
  8. Z

    I need scavenger hunt dares for a party. Does anyone have any?

    i need scavenger hunt dares or things to find in a mall or walmart or other stores. ex: run through the mall calling after your imaginary dog or find some one with braids i need more of the dare ones. if u can think of any then please tell me thx