
  1. C

    My dachshund ate a taco bell wrapper help?

    My dachshund is 9 years old and she ate an entire quesadilla wrapper from taco bell. I only know this because the bag that it was in was on the ground empty and there is no sign of any paper. Should I take her to the vet or will she be able to pass this? If you google "taco bell quesadilla...
  2. K

    My mini dachshund regularly digs at his butt and I can't understand how to stop it?

    I have two miniature daschunds, one is about 18 months old and the other is roughly 14 months so both are young still. One of them has this on going issue where a few times a week I'll notice him digging (or attempting to) in his butt with his mouth (trying to clean himself) but upon further...
  3. M

    my 5 year old dachshund has started whining in his crate at bedtime?

    he was successfully trained 5 years ago. his lsightly older partner loves the crate and never whines. The fat little guy only is happy sleeping in the recliner with me
  4. W

    King Charles Spaniel and Dachshund.?

    I'm considering getting a second dog. I already have a two year old female mini dachshund and she's often left alone in the house during the day. I feel she's very lonely when I'm not around, so I wanted to get her a companion. Would a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel be a good match? Please be...
  5. J

    How to stop whining at night from a Dachshund?

    I am seeing conflicting information. Some people say to ignore the dog and let him know that you won't be reinforcing the behavior. Other sources say it is good to put him in a crate at the side of your bed (but not in your bed to show you are the Alpha male). We do have a crate that is large...
  6. F

    Problems with my Dachshund, she's constantly whining?

    I know Dachshunds usually whine, and she's no exception. I've had her for almost two years and I'm accustomed to what I call "normal" whining. This past Wednesday I took her to the vet for a check-up, as I don't know her medical history (we adopted her from a breeder when she was about six weeks...
  7. M

    Can you tell me more about the dachshund? PLEASE PLEASE HELP!?

    This is my second time asking this question and i got some good answers last time and im just wondering the good and bad stuff about these dogs? My mom said there mean because my uncle had like 2 an he taught them sit or stay but he never really did anything if the would bite. He just said NO...
  8. M

    Dachshund male dog with notches in his ears?

    I have a rescued purebred (we believe) male Dachshund. I do not know much of his history as he was a rescue. He was abandoned and the "dog pound" picked him up running around town. He is about 10 years old. My question is Is there a reason both of his lower corners of his ears would be...
  9. F

    Help! My Dachshund is whining and wont get up!?

    I have no clue what is wrong with him and he wont turn over off of his back, when he tries to, he whines. Can I give him aspirin for the pain, wherever it is? My parents and I think he might have arthritis
  10. L

    Miniature Dachshund Growth Chart?

    I went to the vet with my miniature dachshund puppy last week and the vet told me she was a bit smaller than average for her age. She is well fed and NOT skin and bones. She is healthy looking and sturdy. She was 10 weeks at the time and weighed 2.1 pounds. I was just wondering if there was a...
  11. N

    How do I introduce my 1 and a half year old dachshund with a labrador pup?

    I have a chihuahua and miniature dachshund. my dachshund doesn't like other dogs but he does like my chihuahua so I guess he will eventually get along with him
  12. C

    My 8 month old dachshund is in her first heat. I noticed today she was bleeding. How

    long will this last? I am going to get her spayed after she is out of heat.
  13. A

    I am lookin for a carrier for my puppy! I have a 10 wk old dachshund and I want

    to carrier him like a baby.? I know its like a backpack you can wear it on your back or front, just not really sure what it is called or where to find it??? Thanks for your help
  14. M

    My Chweenie (part dachshund, part Chihuahua)?

    What is the best age to breed a dog. I want to wait until she is at least 2 years old and everyone says that she can breed sooner. I only want one litter before I have her spayed. Any suggestions?
  15. P

    How do you feel about Dachshund dogs?

    I think Dachshunds are so cute!!! They look like little hotdogs walking through the street. The other day I saw one and fell in love with it! But I would never buy one. I like dogs with fur. And the long haired dachshunds just creep me out. How do you feel about them?
  16. E

    Can an 8 year old female Dachshund still breed?

    Im planning to adopt an 8 year old female dachshund. I have a male and he is 4 years old. Im planning to breed them. Question is can the 8 year old dachshund im about to adopt still get pregnant? Please help! thanks
  17. J

    How do you get a Dachshund to stop whining/barking when you leave him?

    My puppy seems to whine when we leave him. When we come back for him he just starts going to the bathroom everywhere. I mean most of the time he knows to go to the pee pads but he still ends up going in other places. Then he gives you the look like he knows hes wrong. And also how do you train...