
  1. S

    Why do a lot of asian countries buy cub bikes when motorcycles are

    available for the same price? even though cubs have 100+cc engine it looks very thin like bicycles.Why would they buy that instead of getting motorcycles at the same price,which look way better than cubs?
  2. buji

    what is the name the movie with a dog that gets lost and takes care of a puma cub?

    is a movie that the dog never says anything it is real and not a cartoon i think it is somewhat old and there is almost no talking since it is an animal and at the end this dog gets rescued by his owner in an helicopter
  3. G

    Cub Scouts Give Up Entirely, Offer Video Game Badge [Video Games]

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. More »
  4. S

    What is the most interesting thingy you make when you were a little cub or squaw...?

    Redcorn make HUGE road complex, and construction facililty in back yard... Me worked on this with me Tonka trucks, and other equipment..
  5. A

    were can i buy a lion cub?

    ok this isnt for illegal purposes but i would like to know a place were I can buy a lion legally and plese tell me some websites that have the price its for conservation so no its wrong crap
  6. I

    What's a good tiger cub name?

    No, not in real life! ^^; actually it's for my story. I have 2 tigers named Aurora and Popsicle that become mates and have 3 cubs. 2 of them are Yuka and Berry. I need a name for the third one, but I'm kinda stuck. Uh, help? Thanks! Oh, and it's a boy btw! answer it and maybe get 10 points! :D
  7. H

    Is there a way to get more traction with muscle cars in Midnight Cub Racing 3 Dub

    Edition Remix? I need to know. I have a '49 fleetline, and a Bel Air, but they fly away on turns. HELP?
  8. A

    How Many Miles Will A Honda Cub 90 Economy Do To A Full Tank?

    Just wondering
  9. S

    Honda Cub - pros and cons of owning one?

    I live in Taipei if that matters.
  10. S

    cub mystery answer roster?

    who of non roster invite will make 40 man roster
  11. K

    How do I repair a Honda Cub Moped?

    My parents have a Honda Cub Moped that has been sitting in my parents garage for the last 20 years. It does not run at all but I have decided that I want to get it fixed. But because it doesn't run I can't take it anywhere to get fixed. What do I do here? I don't want to hire a van just to...
  12. L

    Do you own a Honda Cub? If so, what are your opinions about it?

    Is it powerful enough for roadtrips?