
  1. A

    Morning Links: Why Crunches Won’t Give You Flat Abs

    • 20 best eco-friendly protein sources. (Organic Authority) • The plank is the new crunch--because crunches don't really work. (Well+Good NYC) • Beyond pink slime: The grossest ingredients in processed foods. (HuffPost Healthy Living) • 15 low-carb snacks to keep your energy up, sans bread...
  2. N

    How come my neck hurts after doing crunches?

    Today is my first day of trying to tone up my tummy but I feel a slight pain like burning in my stomach which is good but my neck is getting all this pain. It feels heavy when I lay my head down and when I pick my head up. Is there a different way to tone my tummy?
  3. A

    Does cardio help burn belly fat or does doing sit ups and crunches burn...

    ...belly fat more effective? I wanna know so I can get working on my abs as soon as possible because I got fat covering my abs
  4. S

    Am I doing crunches and push ups wrong?

    when i do push ups most times my abs hurt more then my arms, and when i do crunches my back starts to hurt. i'm not sure if i'm doing them wrong or if it's normal...any advice will be nice thanks
  5. M

    is it ok to do 100 crunches a day?

    im 15 and i need to work my abs for better power hitting in baseball is it ok to do 100 crunches every day
  6. F

    I need help with Crunches and Situps.?

    First of all, which is the better ab workout? I've heard that people don't do situps as much anymore because of all of the back and neck problems. I can't do a crunch at all. When I try to do one there is a lot of strain in my neck and it feels like my neck is pulling me up. I just can't find...
  7. N

    how many crunches would i have to do on the ab lounge?

    to get a flat stomach? i have a little bulge that kind of hangs out. i would like to get rid of that. does the ab lounge target any other areas in the body? because i would like to lose some weight in the thighs and calves too. thanks!
  8. M

    What kind of workout will crunches, leg weight lifting, hand weight lifting do?

    Why can Iist 30 pounds more with my arms then my legs?
  9. W

    will i see any result from doing a couple hundred crunches just for one night?

    i felt in the mood and did like 500 crunches will i see any result and if so, how long, im probably not gonna continue this..a side question is how long will i have to continue this to get visible abs
  10. A

    How many crunches should I do per day to look good for spring break?

    Im not fat, I just want to look amazing for spring break since I will be going to Myrtle Beach. also, if you have time, what can i do to tone my legs/butt?
  11. S

    A way to get flat abs without crunches?
  12. X

    how many crunches are good to lose flab?

    i dont have a pouch or anything, im short so the weight gets placed weird. ive been doing 3 sets of 30 crunches every night. im trying to get rid of the little bit of love handles and little flab on my stomach, any help? thanks!
  13. Y

    Is jump roping and doing crunches,push ups and eating healthy enough to get abs ?

    this is my body right now.
  14. M

    Is this a good workout routine for a teen girl-50 crunches, 35 min on DDR,

    20 min of vball or is there better? please recomend a daily routine!!!
  15. D

    if i do 100 crunches a day, and eat healthier, how much weight could i loose... a month? please don't give me facts about how many calories is a pound, be a smart ass... trust me, i know, i know, i know. :) <3