
  1. L

    Where do you get those crispy shells they use for mexican pizzas at Taco Bell?

    All I've seen at my supermarket are the soft wheat or corn tortillas.
  2. L

    Is it safe to eat crispy beef taco (taco bell) thats been sitting for 4 hours?

    It still tastes the same though...
  3. P

    Recipe for P.F. Chang's Crispy Green Beans?

    Does anyone have de recipe or an idea of how are they made?? I just looooved them!!! And also I'm looking the recipe for the sauce/dip they're accompanied with..... Pleaseeeeeee!! I found one recipe on the web that says it is just flour, beer, salt and pepper, dip the green beans and fry... What...
  4. L

    How do I cook tofu like crispy duck?

    I'd like to make vegetarian crispy duck pancakes, and theres a chinese restaurant I've been to that does this using tofu. It tastes just like the duck version. How do I cook tofu so that it has the same shredded and crispy consistency that crispy duck has? (I'm predicting meat-obsessed people...
  5. G

    What is the best way to cook crispy roast potatoes and to stop them burning...

    ...on the top? Every recipe I have found says to parboil them first but I do not like boiling them first - is there any other way?
  6. G

    how can i get meatloaf crispy?

    I want to make my meatloaf crispy on the out side but moist on the inside. I use a loaf pan. will draining the excess grease accomplish this for me?
  7. N

    Chinese Crispy Aramatic Duck in Australia?

    Coming from the UK this dish is a favorite in Chinese's across the country but they don't appear to be on the menu's in Australia. Duck is sold but in honey or something else. Has anyone else found this?
  8. A

    chocolate rice crispy or regular ones?

    need to know a.s.a.p. thanx
  9. G

    Digital Satellite signal is not crispy?

    My HDTV TV brings crisp clear digital pictures from Terrestial Digital channels but all non-digitral Satellite signals that come through a SKY analog box are not so. Is that because the terrestial signals are real DTV while SAT is not?
  10. K

    what are the nutrition facts of those crispy wonton strips from chinese restaurants?

    when my brother gets chinese takeout, they usually throw in those crispy wonton strips (here's a picture in case you don't know what they are: ). how unhealthy are they for you? i usually avoid them, but they taste so good! what are...