
  1. S

    do you like gross out humour dark parody cringe humour and sick jokes?

    i do the nastier the satire the funnier it is example priests only molest choir boys cos catholic women are too ugly to rape....
  2. M

    Do you cringe when you have to discuss certain matters with your doctor?

    I really cringe if i have to discuss any kind of 'women issues' in any great detail with my doctor. How can i lessen this state of extreme embarassment. So grateful of any helpful advice!
  3. A

    Do you like cringe humor?

    I LOVE cringe humor and it makes me giggle to see REALLY TABOO things. Why is everyone so up tight when videos are obviously making fun of a taboo subject like abuse, etc. This is a "CRINGE HUMOR" video. What did you think about it? I actually pooped...
  4. H

    does seeing the president make his daily news briefings make you cringe?

    make you realize you are being conned? At least Bush was good for a laugh as he stumbled over words. This guy swings his head from side to side, and never gets to the heart of the issue, just a generalization of what you already knew and expected a person that avoids confrontations to say. I...